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What Is Guest Blogging?


New Member
Guest blogging is one of the best forms of free advertising available online. You just have to place an entire article in front of a completely new audience so when they come to your website they will already besought on you and your content.

Plus you are also building up your brand and getting very authoritative links pointing back to your website. And on top of all that - you are building relationships with your fellow bloggers.

Guest blogging is another excellent way to increase your traffic. One of the hardest things about starting a blog is getting that initial momentum rolling.

Guest blogging allows you to quickly increase your exposure, place yourself in front of new audiences and develop solid relationships with other bloggers. To get the most out of guest blogging, look for a high quality well known sites and guest articles.

It?s a win win situation because you are providing them an extremely valuable content and they in return give you additional exposure and high quality links back to your website.

So, how do you get a guest blogging spot?

Well one of the best ways to get it is to get to know the blogger first. Send them an email, tell how much you enjoyed reading their blog, link to them on your blog and leave insightful comments on their blog.

This sort of introduction period will allow the blogger to get to know you better. So that when you do approach them to write a guest post, they will already feel like they know and trust you. This puts you in a much better position and gives you a better chance for getting a ?yes?.

Once the blogger knows you a bit better, send them an email offering to do a guest post. Tell them you have written an exclusive article that you think the readers would enjoy.

Make sure that you write them a top quality post. You want to give them your very best work!

Guest blogging is one of the best forms of free advertising available online. You just have to place an entire article in front of a completely new audience so when they come to your website they will already besought on you and your content.

Plus you are also building up your brand and getting very authoritative links pointing back to your website. And on top of all that - you are building relationships with your fellow bloggers.
I definitely agree. There are even sites that looks for authors to work with them on a daily basis. You can get invites in forums like this one. You're advertising your site and get paid in the process.