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What is Google adwords remarketing?

In simple terms,Google Adwords Remarketing is to remarket your products to your audiences who have visited your site but not buy anything. By remarketing you can target these audience & make them your customers. It can be done by browser cookies. You simply display your ads on other sites and from there people reach to your site again.
Google AdWords remarketing is a form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site. ... Remarketing, also known as retargeting, can dramatically increase your conversion rates and ROI

Google AdWords is a form of remarketing online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site. For example, previous visitors are browsing the ads on YouTube, watching YouTube videos or reading news sites, for example - keeping your brand top-to-mind and returning visitors to more for coming.

Hope this help you.