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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Very low opt in rate


New Member

I have a very low opt in email opt in rate less than 3%

I have tried to test it with attached key words ( first 4 files)

My opt in page look like in attached 2 last files

Can you please advice what wrong with this campaign? Why i am not getting emails?

I appreciate that



  • Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (3).png
    Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (3).png
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  • Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (2).png
    Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (2).png
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  • Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (1).png
    Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11) (1).png
    32.8 KB · Views: 28
  • Keywords(2021.07.30-2021.08.11).png
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  • website 1.png
    website 1.png
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  • website 2.png
    website 2.png
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that PPC?
The CTA is weak 'Free e-book' not very novel nor creative IMO
same ol' the weight loss nutra is overworked and people become skeptical.
PPC you want to sell the product not the emails.
Also, that dark brown is a terrible color to attract women --a<=>b test that with a lighter color pastels maybe with blue and red highlights?
what should be the call of action, should i develop another hook? rather than free e book?

Yes it is PPC, should i change it?

i will change the color

Breakthrough results

PPC costs $x? that sale needs to pay 10-20 times the bid price (other suggestions anyone?)
ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment) or ROI?

If you are just doing a squeeze page to build a mailing list --PPC is probably too expensive.