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UKWW Seo Contest 2008 2 Application

The interest is great, a month or so on we may have near 100 woo-hoo

thanks temi baby for updating the primary post in my absense
The interest is great, a month or so on we may have near 100 woo-hoo

thanks temi baby for updating the primary post in my absense

Anytime Carl :) One we fix a date, we an start promoting, that should hopefully bring us even more participants.
Hi, of course I am also interested to sign in but first of all, let me make sure....what is this contest is all about? any details information? :eek:
what is this contest is all about? any details information?

Ok well simply put, it's an SEO contest. You get given a keyword (which is yet to be decided I think), a start date and a finish date.

Whoever ranks the highest for that keyword, wins $5,000 :first:

Very simple.

More information will be coming soon and if you have any questions post here or feel free to PM me :)

Hi guys, I'm in too!

Hello to everybody,
I want to subscribe to this new seo contest, thank you!

I'm quite new on this forum, I never wrote posts but I am a seo-addicted! :D

Just to introduce myself, I am an Italian web design/seo expert actually living in Tirana, Albania.
I have already participated at some seo contests, the italian "fattori arcani", "carcasherdotcom seocontest", and others.

Now I just won the italian contest "Pagerank patatrak", but I guess this one will be bigger and obviously harder!!

See you soon, guys!
Nice to have another champion among us, welcome to UK WW, looking forward to your participation.

Hello to everybody,
I want to subscribe to this new seo contest, thank you!

I'm quite new on this forum, I never wrote posts but I am a seo-addicted! :D

Just to introduce myself, I am an Italian web design/seo expert actually living in Tirana, Albania.
I have already participated at some seo contests, the italian "fattori arcani", "carcasherdotcom seocontest", and others.

Now I just won the italian contest "Pagerank patatrak", but I guess this one will be bigger and obviously harder!!

See you soon, guys!