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this is totally off topic, more of a vent i guess

The Lady

New Member
well maybe a little bit, but more a personal management issue. ok in reality i'm putting myself out on a limb by discussing this, but only other people in the industry will understand some of what i'm talking about. the anonymity of the internet is often a friend.

i have a situation where my content business could explode. sounds great, but the work i have is faced w/ a very difficult situation - my husband. he has issues w/ my writing and working. even w/ the prospect of the affiliate marketing he's got an objection. he's not as sever as he was a few years ago when he forced me to virtually stop working altogether, but now i'm at a loss. i've been working to create some form of marketing campaign that will begin to generate an income that dh won't be able to complain about. either w/ content or affiliate stuffs. how do i convince some one that work is real, and has significant opportunity? I AM NOT working for a traditional business again. not gonna happen no matter what his excuse is. i just need some ideas. i hate fighting w/ him. he has different views about how to fight than I do (whole other story - nothing physically abusive) and it just makes life more difficult. i can't continue to handle it that way...this is actually making me physically ill b/c i have obligations to clients, to my children, and to my husband, and basically i'm being asked to chose between them, when one keeps me sain (i love what i do for work - regardless if it is writing an article, marketing a site or writing an affiliate ad) what else can i do and still take care of my kids? not a whole lot and most of which would require something that would eventually take me from them, due to a lack of flexibility.

ok i guess this is more of a vent than anything - i'm sorry.
oh Catrina,

I feel your pain. I don't have any answers for you because relationships can be so difficult to navigate that only you will be able to find your way. Does he at least see that it's better for you to work from home than to have you gone every day? Or does he just want you not to work at all?
he's wanting me to be able to manage everything around the house w/out work. to him my work is an interference to my house hold obligations. if i were to work, he would want to have me working for some one else. not happening -no way no how never again - thus my desire to branch out into the affiliate marketing forum.
It sounds like to me you are having some communication issues about not only your role in the marriage, but also about the validity of your affiliate job. The first issue is something that you guys are going to have to discuss. However, if you can go ahead and prove to him that your work will bring home a pay check then I'm sure he will stop insisting you work for someone else.

the first is an issue i'm constantly trying to address - sometimes i even make some headway ;) -- the second is something that i've been producing for more than 3 years writing and that's not been enough.. so i'm at a loss... a BIG Loss.:(