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So having been doing email marketing for just over a year, I often sit back and think what I can do to improve my opens, clicks etc - I personally think something that is overlooked is the "relationship" and "trust" you need to build with a user - you have to be very personal and work hard to gain trust in order for them to trust you or a product you are promoting...
That's why good idea is to get some PLR to send to your users which are good this helps to create impression that you are "giving back"

That's why good idea is to get some PLR to send to your users which are good this helps to create impression that you are "giving back"


Yeah you can get abit lazy at times with your lists, I know for sure I can...Thats all about to change tho.
It's worth to remember that sometimes list quality is really low and it will convert only at the start and you won't be even able to make newsletter system money back.
