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The Affiliate Playbook - How to Scale to 6 Figures a Month

Linda Buquet

New Member
There was a guy with the pseudonym <strong>Diorex</strong> that once had a blog that grew a pretty strong following. The blog is now gone and no one can find him, but here is a really good blog post he wrote about how to scale an affiliate marketing campaign. He offers some unique advice about how to get get higher and higher commission bumps, then a while label from CPA networks by treating the affiliate game like a 'real' business. What a concept! It's also very practical and conservative in that he tells you upfront it took a lot of money and time to scale up to a 6 figure a month income.

<blockquote>I have been asked how to scale probably 100 times since I started blogging. It has been a long time since I have tried to scale that I might not be the right person to ask, but I have done it 3 different times in 3 different ways for paid search campaigns over the last 5+ years. So forgive me if this game plan is hopelessly outdated or too brutally honest.

<strong>Our goal - starting with a single niche and the standard affiliate payout transform into a super-affiliate making 6+ figures a month.</strong>

Some caveats:

? This assumes that you are not in a terribly crowded field, so mortgages, payday loans, satellite, ringtones and a few other ?flavor of the month? affiliate campaigns probably won?t work on this plan.

? This is not going to work on a $2.00 zip submit payout, so please don?t ask. If you dont have a starting payout north of $10 it is probably best to pick a different product.

? The goal is sufficient (7+ figures per year) that I am not even going to try and pretend to do this with $2,000. I had lots of money in the bank each time I started over and invested significant sums to get scale with each.

? I am not going to live in my mothers basement and hope that the affiliate manager at my merchant notices me and rewards me with a higher payout, <strong>I am going to meet the senior guys at the network, then the affiliate manager at the merchant and then the affiliate managers director or VP and impress them that I can help them achieve and exceed aggressive goals. In short I am in a real business that happens to be online, but I am not a hermit crab.

Here is what needs to be in place to start...</strong></blockquote>
Go to to read the rest of the <strong><a href="">Affiliate Playbook</a></strong>. It's a good read!
Thanks for this Linda. I love any recommendation that starts with "this is not short term and will costs a ton of money to pull off". You just know that it's legitimate when it starts that way :)