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Teh new


New Member
Ok well im starting work on the new look of As of now im building the site with a way for the user to change the content. Basically the whole site is going to be made in flash. Im going to have a userlogin. What I mean by user login is having someone create a username which saves to their computer that way they can save scores from games and stuff. No php stuff cause my host dosent allow it yet. Meaning... you will only be able to login to your account from your computer. Im also going to be coming up (trying to come up) with a way for users to submit their scores to me. The way is going to have to be manually edited by me, but I think I have an idea for it.

What Im asking for... does anyone know of a way so I can have flash automatically send me an email, with out the user having to do anything. So if the users high score > than an already defined high score, an auto email is sent to me with that score so I can update the current high score list.


you can't send mails without a server-side scripting laguange like PHP or Perl.. so you can really submit the scores.. without php.

Lol, there has to be a wall. Oh well, I will figure out a way. There has got to be some other way, and if there isnt I will have to make a submit score option through email, like firgure some way to make my own encryption program that way no one can lie about their scores, even though it will probably be hackable. Ill come up with somthing.