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Some good plugins for your WordPress blog

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Senior Member
I hope you’ll find this useful.

vAll in one SEO pack ( SEO for your Wordpress Blog )
This will help you manage the meta tags for articles enabling them with unique meta and titles.

vAkismet ( Stop Comment Spam and Trackback Spam « Akismet ) A very good spam catcher.

vFeed copyrighter plugin ( WordPress Plugin to Automatically add Copyright Message to your RSS / ATOM Feeds - Angsuman’s Feed Copyrighter Plugin )
This one is reposible for throwing up those copyright statement at the end of the feeds in RSS readers

vBetter comments manager (Better Comments Manager - Wordpress Plugin release )
This one enables easy management of comments, lets you reply to them easily, mass edit/approve them.

vDuplicate sidebar widgets ( WordPress Duplicate Sidebar Widgets | HowTo Simple Solutions )
This plugin helps you to duplicate the widgets modules to drag and drop on the sidebar.

vEnhanced Contact Form ( Enhanced WordPress contact form plugin - Joost de Valk's SEO Blog )
This plugin is responsible for all those contact forms appearing in the pages.

vFeed footer ( Feed Footer WordPress Plugin - How To Grow Your Blog Traffic )
Adds anything in HTML to feeds appearing in RSS reader.

vGoogle AdWrap ( Google Ad Wrap - Section Targeting | Urban Giraffe )
You know about Googles section targeting right? This plugin adds the “sections” to be targeted to comments and content area thereby the ads that appear on Google AdSense will be heavily contextual to the information in these sections.

vSEO for WordPress ( ) This one says it reduces instances of duplicate content.

vGoogle XML sitemaps ( Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator for WordPress )
Must have for all blogs. Generates an XML sitemap making the contents visible for search spiders.

vCommentLuv ( CommentLuv Wordpress Plugin > FiddyP ) This plugin is responsible for placing the link to your latest posts on comments. Nice plugin, it crawls your site (from the info you submit while commenting), and get’s the latest URL, parse it as HTML beneath your name.

vHomepage Excerpts ( Homepage Excerpts Wordpress Plugin )
Adds a “more” link cutting posts on the main homepage within certain limit of characters. Good for curbing duplicate content on wordpress.

vI love social bookmarking ( I Love Social Bookmarking plugin :: )
Great plugin that displays a pull down menu for social bookmarking on all the top social media websites.

vHeadSpace2 ( HeadSpace2: Advanced meta-data manager for SEO titles, tags, descriptions, and more | Urban Giraffe ) A very good meta tag management plugin.

vRandom posts widgets ( ) up a set of random posts on the sidebar. Good options available.

vSearch Meter ( Search Meter: a WordPress plugin Semicolon )
Gives access from the dashboard to search phrases on DailySEOblog search box. It also shows if the person who searched the phrase got the info he wanted or not.

vShylock AdSense ( Shylock Adsense Plugin | Shylock Blogging )
Allows you to inject adsense codes anywhere on the post and decide which ads to go where.

vUltimate Google Analytics ( OraTransplant Ultimate Google Analytics plugin for WordPress )
Great plugin that will manage Google Analytics code injection and tracking a breeze.

vKB Linker ( KB Linker -- KB Plugins: The best Wordpress plugins are free ) plugin to increase the number of links within your site. It enables you to select a keyword for which you can set a link. Where ever this keyword appears, it would make it a link.

vWP – Stats ( WordPress › Stats « WordPress Plugins )
Displays the wordpress blog stats from the dashboard..

vWP – Cache ( Antiguo y abandonado blog de Ricardo Galli :-( » WP-Cache 2.0 )
Makes wordpress faster and quick loading.

vWP – category posts ( WordPress Category Posts Plugin | Watershed Studio, LLC | Indianapolis, Indiana )
Includes a widget that will display posts from a particular category in the sidebar.

vYet another threaded comments plugin ( Yet Another Threaded Comments Plugin - threaded comments for Wordpress ) comment allows to have newly created comments relate to existing comments, so you can comment on a comment. This information allows to display the Comments in a hierarchical fashion.

And finally, Who sees Ads( )
You can decide whether your AdSense ads should be displayed to a search engine visitor or not, or a regular direct hit reader or not etc. Great in incresing the CTR and revenue of Google Ads.
Excellent and very useful. Opening up my eyes more to a few website projects I have coming up.
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