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President Urged to Regulate Blunt Objects



President Urged to Regulate Blunt Objects "Blunt Objects" require proof of training at Farm & Field

ATLANTA, June 28, 2005 -- President George Bush should regulate blunt objects that could cause severe injuries or even death, according to a leading outdoors auction website.

"There has long been pressure on politicians to ban guns of all sorts, and already we see new pressures to ban kitchen knives,"
says Farm & Field Auctions President Chad Brown. He is referring to the report by doctors from West Middlesex University Hospital in Great Britain, who blame half of all stabbings on kitchen knives. The doctors are calling for a ban of long, pointy kitchen knives.

Farm & Field Auctions maintains that the United States cannot stand idly by, while Great Britain takes the lead in injury prevention. "We have to get ahead of the curve," Brown declares "Great Britain has already banned most guns, and now it might ban knives, too. We can claim our rightful lead in personal safety by regulating all blunt objects before they do."

The US Department of Justice reports that 26% of violent crimes involve a weapon. Blunt objects, such as rocks, clubs, blackjacks, bats, and metal pipes, accounted for more injuries from violent crimes than knives and other pointed objects, and almost as many incidents of armed violence. Meanwhile, the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault reports that 35% of assault are committed with clubs and other blunt objects.

Asked why he does not want all blunt objects banned, Brown said that would be just plain silly. "Britain's murder rate has been steadily rising since most guns were banned in 1996," he said.
"Could you imagine the how crowded our hospitals would be if we banned blunt objects altogether?"

Farm & Field Auctions says that regulating rocks, clubs, blackjacks, bats, and metal pipes could more significantly cut down in injuries from violent crime than by banning them.

"We have taken the first step," says Brown. "We do not allow anyone to bid on rocks, metal pipes, clubs or bats, not even rolling pins or frying pans, unless they can produce a certificate of proper training. Now it is up to the government to take action."

Farm & Field Auctions can be accessed at , and their hunting page is located at
supplies.html .


David Leonhardt
The Happy Guy
It's an absolute mess over here, but we're making progress. Clinton made a real mess of things, so it will take time to clean things up.

One thing for sure is, I'm glad the War on Terror is being fought in Iraq and not back in my backyard, or any of yours either.
The only reason you should fear President Bush is if you're a terrorist, or a Country harboring terrorists. Last I heard, besides the looney gay marriage passage, Canada seems to be behaving itself.
Well it didn't stop the US from focusing on our country as a possible gateway for terrorists. Not to mention how much we seem to get hassled at the border sometimes, it's pretty silly really.
Again, if you are a terrorist, or up to, 'no good', you SHOULD BE SCARED.

Everyday folks, like I, need not be afraid.

This days I have seen the Fahrenheit 9/11 Quite an interesting movie. Now I understand why it has been banned in US.

It hasn't been banned. This is a free Country. If idiots like Micheal Moore wish to make a film, which LIES about his own Country, he's free to do that. Only in America.

And Pentarix, if you want to call my President a tard, you're free to do so. In fact, you could walk right up to his face and say it, as we have something called, "Freedom of Speech" here in the states. You might look and sound like a moron doing/saying it, but you won't be thrown in jail for it. Now, let's see you go up to your queen and call her a tard. Oh, and by the way, do you know him personally? Have you spoken to him via the phone or other ways? How would you know his level of intelligence?

I think Temi made it pretty clear, this isn't a political MSG board, so I think the thread should be closed. I don't think anyone wants to see my political RANTS. I feel very strongly about my Country, so let's just not go there, OK?

Did you see the movie actually? Sincerlly I have the same oppinion about your president, a tard person, but now, after I saw the movie, double tard. Sorry to say this but this is my oppinion.

If you base your opinions on a fictional movie created by an ultra leftwing zealot, then I truly feel sorry for you.

Everything I say is based on the impresion I have create about your president based on his acts, comments, politics during the years. The movie actually has made me double based in my memory this impresion.
You don't have to bee sorry about this. I am free to think whatever I like, whenever I like. If you don't like what I have to say it's not a problem. ;)
To avoid other discussion about politics I consider this thread closed.

You're reasoning is flawed. But you're right, you have every right to have faulty reasoning ability.

I'd lay down $100,000, right now, that says you couldn't speak intelligently about our President's politics for one second. Not even a milisecond. Funny, you base your opinion on something you have NO idea of. That's a TRUE M.Moore fan. He loves folks like you. He NEEDS folks like you. Keep spending your money, buying up his movie. Have you seen how fat he is? Hopefully he'll take all that money he's making, pedling his biased crapola movie to the poor souls in the world, and eat himself to death.

Your President, Traian Basescu, runs what was recently (1989) a COMMUNIST state, which currently has a 7.2% unemployment rate. That s*cks, my friend. And meanwhile, he's got his hand out, BEGGING our, "tard" President for money. And the f'd up thing about it is, we're giving to him. And you're going to call the man a, 'tard'? A thank you would have been nice.

I've got links to plenty more HAND OUTS if you'd like to see them.

Now, I think we all should END this conversation 'bout now. And don't call my President a, 'tard' without expecting a SEVERE lashing!


My dear friend, I personally never ask America's help, or your president help. If our tard president ask for it it's his business. I can find here or elswere enough resources. I don't know what impression you strangers have about Romania, but I want to remember 1 thing, it's not a 3rd world country at all. Sincerlly I can say many other things, but I prefer to stop here. I have never ask american help I will never ask american help. Anyway you should reflect about your presindent stupid theory about war, his way of making war, etc.

Wars are never popular. They aren't now, nor have they ever been. If you support the terrorists, fine, so be it. Go give 'em a big hug if you wish.

And since when did I call your Country a, "Third World Country"?