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PPC Landing Page I dont know what to do?!?!?!?


New Member
I'm trying to get my first PPC campaign up and running so I can learn hoe to used Adword. I already have my Keywords, adgroup and ad writen up and ready to go. The problem is I dont really understand or know how to go about get a website.
I wanted to do a Direct Linking to the Merchant website but didnt know how to go about it and could not find any real information to walk me throw it. So Now I'm trying pay a freelance to ta do a simple landing page for me to do ppc testing with.
I was just wonder if any one knows exactly what questions I should ask the freelancer and how should i go about with bidding prices. My starting budget is only $200 a mouth so I would want to pay as low as possible for quality landing pages. Can any one help me?

Thank You
It sounds like you could be heading for a fall and are so excited you are trying to run before you can even crawl, much less walk. If you don't know how to build a site or do direct linking then I think you are making a mistake jumping right to outsourcing landing page design - especially if you aren't sure what questions to even ask.

1st off have you done much niche research? Sounds like you've already picked the product. Do you know what the merchant's conversion rates are? What about return percentages? Do they have any leaks? How many sales do you need to make at what cost per click before you can turn a profit?

The type of product would to some degree dictate the type of landing page. Do you have a host and a domain name yet? Do you know how to configure it all and how to upload the landing page once it's designed?

How much have you studied PPC? Do you know about negative keywords?

I would read the newbie stickies if you haven't yet, then some of the posts in our PPC forum. Then if you are planning to use Adwords, go through all the Adwords training.

Sorry not trying to make it hard, just trying to save you money and heart ache. :eek: come every time I'm totally honest on these forums or sites they talk to me like your suppose to know every thing already SMH??????!!!!
1. Yes I did do me market research
2. Yes I did pick a Product
3. The Merchant conversion rate is at 1.20 -1.40
4.Yes I can figure out how many sale I have to make before I turn a profit.
You see the (math numbers) to a campaign is not the problem for me, it just the building a website putting script on pages and adding the tracking ID is wear I'm totally lost. I've never done it so how I'm I going to know it!!! and every time I ask for they talk down to me or give me some complete coding information that make me even more confused.
5. No I don't have my Hosting or Domain name yet cause I don't know how to build a landing page or direct link for it yet, should I have that first before I get landing page?
6. I know absolutely nothing about landing pages and uploading.Plus I don't really know how to add the tracking ID the landing page.
7.Yes I have Negative Keywords. If you can please tell me the next step to take I will be very thankful. I know I will lose money at first but I will be losing a lot more if I don't start the learning process by learning form these failed campaigns.

Sorry if I came off up site
Thank You again
Easy there, big boy. If you want to encourage people to respond to your questions, I strongly recommend that you don't blast people when they try.

This is NOT a paid tech support platform. This is a free forum community.

You should start by reading through the sticky threads here: Newbie Affiliate Forum - 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums

There's even a thread on how to build your first site.
I wanted to do a Direct Linking to the Merchant website but didnt know how to go about it and could not find any real information to walk me throw it.

the reason you could not find this information is because it us against google's rules (terms of service aka TOS around here). Meaning: it's not allowed. This is something you should have learned from your research.

Certainly, a landing page can be simple AND still be effective. But you need to remember that a visitor will click on your PPC ad, and you will have to pay for that click. Then, they will read your landing page. WHAT is on that landing page is what will 'sell' the visitor enough to click again and go on to the merchant site. Your landing page content and visual appeal is critical. (then the merchant site has to convince them to give up their money and credit card number.).

Not as easy as you think, I suspect.

That said, try googling "how to build (create, design, make) a landing page.". You can also find people to outsource this to at rentacoders (they've recently changed their name) or other similar sites.

If the merchant is in a network like commision junction, the network website has some tutorials that will show you how to insert your affiliate link. Or google that question - use the word 'video' in the google question, and you will find stuff on YouTube or other videos. That way you won't even have to read anything (except the declining balance in your checking account once thos PPC fees start racking up.) come every time I'm totally honest on these forums or sites they talk to me like your suppose to know every thing already SMH??????!!!!

Sorry, I just re-read my post and it sounded pretty critical. I didn't mean to sound harsh.

I don't think it's that anyone expects you to know everything, it's just that people typically start learning the basics, then build up from there and it just sounded like you are trying to start top down -trying to build the roof before you even had figured out how to pour the foundation and frame the walls.

So as we both suggested, reading the stickies in the newbie forum could help you learn to build a solid foundation and make a plan so you can build from the ground up.
My few cents is to do a bit more research before cranking on Adwords.

I remember my first days on Adwords when I blew up my credit cards bidding $1 CPC. Hahahahah.

Ok on a serious note though. Linda is right. You should learn more about the entire process, instead of just 1 half of the chain. There are several important elements that goes into the affiliate marketing sales system:

1. Niche
2. Sales page/Landing page (this is like you being a virtual salesman)
3. Keywords (live or die by these)
4. Adwords or whatever platform you are trying to use. There are plenty of resources out there, it just takes time. Rushing things never did anybody any good. Adwords is not easy, otherwise everybody would be doing it. It's a complex system and it's even more complex when you are trying to take out a profit on it.
5. Offers and networks.
6. Tracking, analytics
7. Optimization

If you don't have a solid understanding of all these, I would invest a little more time in learning.