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Please welcome Xhan one of our new admins :)


New Member
I am pleased to announce that after an exhaustive search which started in Land's End finishing at John O'Groat's, I found a perfect admin who has join the UK WW team to help move this forum forward, she is non other than Xhan she has bags of experience in various files especially web design and graphics....

She has suggested a fun forum which I think will become a favourite destination for many, its called "Called Daily Amusements" should be online in the next few hours.

Please give her a warm welcome and spammers beware, like all of us she hate spammer and itching to nuke the first spammer she sets eye on.

Welcome to Team UK WW Xhan :good:
Welcome Hannah! We definitely needed young female touch in our veterans group!
Welcome Hannah! We definitely needed young female touch in our veterans group!

lol you do realise that means lots of kittens and bunnies don't you :p

(I've already started ^ mwahahha)
And what sort of expression is that on the face of that kitten, surprised, happy, frightened :unsure:
Nice One xhan,

Daily Amusements, I will do all right here, you just want to spend a few hours in my office and this will provide plenty of threads.

Once again well done.


Nice One xhan,

Daily Amusements, I will do all right here, you just want to spend a few hours in my office and this will provide plenty of threads.

Once again well done.



Same for my lectures lol!

ahh - everyones so nice :D make syou feel all warm and fuzzy inside!