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Plan Your Work And Work Your Plan!


New Member
Hi Everyone

I'm Going to tell you How To Plan Your Work To Achieve Success.

Failure to Plan Is Planning To Fail, So Lets Get Started

1) Write Down A List Of All The Things That Need To Be Done

2) From That List, Write Down What Needs To Be Done Everyday And What Needs To Be Done Once Off

3) Write Down All Your resources e.g. Your Budget, hosting, Autoresponder etc.

4) Create An Action Plan:
- From That List Of Tasks You Need To Do Pick Out The Most Effective With Best Results. E.g Promote Your Site With Adwords Instead Of Traffic Exchages (adwords Is More Effective And Has Best Results)

- Now That You Have Your Few Effective Strategies, Put them into a Daily action plan That You Do Everyday. Do The Less time consuming ones First And Plan How Much Time You Have To Do It. Here's An Example Of A Promotion Action Plan:

- $200 For Advertising
- 3 Hours Each day

Daily Action Plan

- Create An Optimized Adwords Account (Max $5 Per day)(Test And Optimize Daily)

- Write One Article Eachday And Submit it to The Big 3 Banks

- Create A Squidoo Lens And Post Everyday

- Create A Blog And Post Everyday

- Optimize Site For Search Engines

That's It, If I Stick To This I Should See A Lot Of targeted Traffic Soon

That's One Example Of A Good Action Plan. The Advantages Are:

* You Have Your Oen Step-By-Step Guide
* You Are Using Your Time Effectively
* You Have A Set of things to do Each day Wich Simplifies Your Tasks
* No More Stress On What To Do Next Because You Got Your Action Plan:eek:
* You Know What You Doing Works And Are Effective
* etc, etc, etc

Hope This Helps You'll :)

Jameel Mukadam
Thanks Jameel! Good tips.

Another suggestion I have for newbies - and oldies too...

It's so easy when you work from home alone to procrastinate.
It's also very easy to FOOL yourself into thinking you are working
when what you really are doing is PROCRASTINATING and avoiding
the things on your to-do list that will really make you money -
the "money tasks".
I'm guilty of this myself sometimes. We all do it to some degree.

You can get thrown off track thinking you are working when you are catching up on industry news, reading all the blogs, hanging out as forums (oh-oh, did I say that?) or searching for graphic ideas or domains to buy or niche ideas or MANY other things.

Granted all those things are important and feed our knowledge and give us ideas. Just be aware of the "MONEY tasks" you really need to do every day and ask yourself if you are surfing around doing other things as a way to AVOID finishing that site or AVOID working on that link campaign or AVOID building that new landing page. Is what you are doing making you money or are you just avoiding what needs to be done?

Many times we surf around doing other things instead of the "money tasks", not out of laziness, but out of fear and indecisiveness. One of the most important habits to develop is to pick and prioritize your "money tasks".

Don't get stuck in fear and go into avoidance mode and start surfing and time wasting on auto-pilot. Pick your most important "money task" and do it now. Reward yourself with surfing, forums, blogs and play time - after you finish that "money task".

LOL, now that I think about it, with all the cash we are giving away ,
staying here posting at the forum may be a money task and not a diversion! :p