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Perfect Valentine's Day gift


<b><font size=2>In Memoriam - Loyal Administrator<
During the Christmas shopping season I started a thread about some gifts you could get that were not exactly cheap. A couple of them were over a million dollars. Here is that thread in case you didn't see it http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...shoot-breeze/8648-luxury-christmas-gifts.html

Valentine's Day will soon be here and some of you might be trying to think of the perfect gift. I have found it for you. It is a bottle of Clive Christian's No. 1 Perfume. The price is $215,000.00. It is the world's most expensive perfume. It would make the perfect Valentine's Day Gift and it is available in fragrances for both men and women.

This video tells you all about it ? World’s Most Expensive Perfume Fetches $215,000 a Bottle
That perfume is very cheap! I was hoping to spend at least $500,000 on perfume for Valentine's day :)

My plans for valentine's day will be a home cooked meal followed by dessert. (Purple Bear I need one of your special dessert recipes)
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. :p and Larwee suggested I might buy this:eek: actually I could get goin on a soapbox. lol I don't begrudge people who have money spending it on what they like but this uhhhh kinda is one of them times it would drive me crazy. Tooooo many people in the world without food, medicine, education, etc. that this type of money could be spent on to help them. I would die of guilt if I spent even a fraction of that kinda money on myself when I knew there were people in the world suffering. zippin my little fingers now on that subject. :)

Larwee - you should realize by now...this is not purple lol :p If I were to spend that kinda money....would definitely have to be purple. Liz Taylor and Vera Wang have pretty purple bottles of perfume. lol :) Besides.....would need a teddy bear to come with it, too.:)

Ummm the thought did pop into my head.....are you implying I may need perfume like this cos I smell reaaaally bad?? lol For that kinda money.....if I wore that perfume.....would have to do an awfully good job of attracting George Clooney, umm the guy Luka from ER, umm let's see which other guys..I'm drawin a blank here now on cute guys. lol I'm not talkin just one of these Hot little guys.....for that kinda would have to be worth maybe 10 or 20 of em makin a big fuss over me.:D in order for it to be worth it.

This really is crazy...I shouldn't ask this cos I'm sure like the lady said...there are people buyin it, but really??? That's crazy. Granted the 5 carat diamond is nice. (personally I wouldn't want one that big tho...I like smaller, dainty type stuff) A nice amethyst and diamond heart shaped little pendant would be very nice:) ok, I'll even make an exception. nice little heart shaped diamond all on it's own would be very nice....but not 5 poor little finger would fall down every time I tried to hold it up.

And....the bottle's waaaay too big. lol I actually have a very small collection of perfume bottles but they're all teeeny weeeny little guys....that one's way too big.

So, Larwee when you buy this:p you'll have to tell me what it was like and how well it worked??? :D
Purplebear, as you know, Jamie has a lot of connections and knows almost all of the famous people in the world.

I am sure that if you give him one of your special dessert recipes he will arrange for Clive Christian to produce a special purple bottle of that perfume just for you, then he would buy it for you, plus arrange for you to have dinner with George Clooney so you could see how George likes your perfume.
"was hoping to spend at least $500,000 on perfume for Valentine's day

My plans for valentine's day will be a home cooked meal followed by dessert. (Purple Bear I need one of your special dessert recipes)"

Hmmmm Jamie, you sure you still have that girlfriend of yours? lol:p You're a veeeerrrryyy nice Valentine gift giver.
Awhhh now that sounds like the perfect Valentine's Day:D Who'll be doin the cookin tho, you or her? lol :) You could do it together:)

psssst there's all kinds of goodies you could make. Already told ya mine would have to be a yummy cheesecake or pineapple upside down cake. I keep sayin I'm gonna put em on my site and still haven't gotten to it. lol

Really easy and pretty fast one that probably anybody would like is just a plain ole white cake mix (I personally like Duncan Hines) but everybody's got their favorites. And.....a chocolate buttercream frosting. Reaaaally simple:

About 1/3 cup ( you can do equal amounts of butter and crisco that comes in the can, just make sure there's at least a little of the butter cos butter's what gives the yummy flavor to things)

About 2 cups 10x sugar, about 1/3 cup Hershey's cocoa, about a tsp. of almond extract, about 2 tbsps. of milk.

I really don't have exact measurements lol kinda just start with around that much and adjust as I go along.

You make sure the butter's softened some and mix it and the cocoa. Slowly add the sugar (if ya don't add it slowly it'll fly all over the place and Jamie'll be covered with sugar lol ) Then just add the almond extract and milk and beat til the consistency you want. See....pretty easy recipe. Little tip for ya, after you've cooled the cake spread a thin layer of the frosting on it then put it in the fridge for a while. Then when ya go to frost the cake with the thicker layer it'll go on nice and smoothly. You could even decorate it with "I love you" in m&m's awwwhh or have raspberries with it, etc. Nice and easy for ya and should be somethin most people would like.

Not taking any credit for bein any great chef or anything, anybody can make the same thing and just experiment to how ya like it. This was one of my Mom's recipes and I've just learned some tips along the way. Not gonna bore everybody with em and have baking 101 here now tho.

Anything you make Jamie, I'm sure she'll love cos she already loves you.:D

Yes, Larwee, Jamie does have a lot of connections and knows almost all of the famous people in the world. I did a little more thinking about George. (I was in a hurry before, am actually now too lol but ummm since it's for Valentine's Day....why settle just for George. or Luka......I'm gonna go for Bon Jovi, too.:) Give me a bit more time and I could probably come up with a few others, too. I just might have to see if Linda's been behavin herself and invite her along, too. Aren't I generous??? I'm even willing to share Jon and George:)

Jamie said: "PB I don't believe you "

lol....nope it's true lol honest, :) bout a carat's the most I'd ever want. I really do have smaller tastes in things and my jewelry's all on the small and dainty side except I love chandelier earrings.

Hope all of ya have a very nice Valentine's Day whatever you're doin....make sure to get or make a card for whomever:) I make mine.:)
purplebear, now I know what the real perfect Valentine's Day gift for you would be. One of those famous men should make arrangements for you to have your own cooking show on television with celebrity guests.
Anyone have any good ideas of what to get a guy for Valentine's day?

All the usual gifts (chocolates, flowers, perfume) seem so girly and I'm stuck for ideas after using all my good ones for Christmas and a recent birthday.....:confused:
Nice Link Larwee, First on the list was a Pantygram. Is that a hint? :D

This Valentine's Day, capture your sweetheart's imagination with this fun and flirtatious gift. Completely surprise him as he pulls the cutest romantic lacy panties out of the envelope, along with a personalized card from his secret admirer! After he logs onto to read your personal and confidential message, he'll never forget this gift - or the one who sent it to him!
Gifts for guys?

Well this is SO not romantic, but I bought a couple of these for Christmas presents for guys. If he's sporty and likes to camp, fish, lounge or read he may like it. Has really good reviews too. WearEver LR-4 Mesh Backpack Lounge
Click the pic of the guy to see how it converts from a lounge chair with foot rest to a reading chair with tray. Plus "Completing the package is a spacious backpack compartment within the frame that holds picnic items, blankets, and other gear, so you don't need to haul along a separate bag with your stuff."

Romantic - NOT!
Practical - YES!
The look on his face when he finds out he didn't get another
box of chocolates or some kind of foo-foo heart-shaped gift - PRICELESS!

Then again, compared to a Pantygram, this gift may seem a little boring! :p
"A remote control truck that has space to carry a beer bottle in the tray."
lol:p Is that what you've hinted to your girlfriend you want? :)

Linda, your idea does seem like quite a few guys would like:)

Agree with Larwee, were quite a few nice ideas in that list.

"i think the pantygram might scare him "

Few simple ideas. Don't really know your guy so don't know what his tastes are but how bout any type of sports tickets to his favorite sport....for the two of ya cos then that way he'll be soooo impressed that you're gonna take the time to show an interest in something he likes and you won't have to actually like it. Just the fact that you made the effort (or in some cases subjected yourself to the sheer torture of it all lol) Can't blame you if you don't like it, but you'll score points with him cos you made the effort.:D May seem like the night may never end and you may be regretting the idea.....but it'll be over before ya know it and who knows....ya may end up liking it anyway. lol :)

How bout making a giant chocolate chip cookie for him or whatever his favorite goodie is. Jamie's idea of a home cooked dinner is great. Think every guy would love that....hmm well maybe if somebody was a realllly bad cook, they might not. Even if ya don't like to cook, you could order any of the gourmet type dinners online, depending on if ya wanna fess up or not lol he can either think you made it yourself or just enjoy the good eats regardless if you didn't actually make took the time to order it. Then make a favorite goodie

ok, this last one will probably sound really corny but when I had still been dating husband I made him his own calendar. Cut out little pictures and words from magazines and glued em all through it. Cute little pictures, funny ones, etc. any of your important dates of course are in it and it's a nice way to kinda have him thinkin nice thoughts of ya when he looks at it, too. lol and he won't forget any important dates either. Sounds stupid I guess cos guys want ya thinkin they're all macho.....but psssssst. deep down an awful lot of em are just sentimental fools like us and love anything that their lady personally takes the time and effort to make for em. They just don't always let us know, cos it goes against the tough, macho stuff we're supposed to think of em. lol

Whatever ya do hope you both enjoy Valentine's Day:)
Thanks for the great ideas PurpleBear. I'd love to get sports tickets, he's a huge hockey fan, but unfortunately tickets to a Montreal Canadians game run upwards of $400 a pair...

I think I'll do the home-cooked meal with a special desert. I've got some decent baking skills and then I get to enjoy it too! ;)

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day! Even those years when I've been single I've always celebrated with family and friends. :)