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Gold Part 12/14 Facebook Case Study.



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CPA Evolution 3.0

Optimization #2

Found good performing ads? Reached a good CTR and CPC?

Awesome! Now, it's time to optimize your landing page and offer.

This (second stage of optimization) is the moment when you have to start focusing on conversions.

I strongly recommend you to start focusing on the CTR of your lander. If it's below 35% it probably means that you're not telling people exactly what they want and, therefore, most of your visitors are losing interest.

When it happens, I recommend you to start split-testing elements first. Test a different headline, be a bit more aggressive with the bullet points and also split-test a few different images.

If you don't see an improvement with any of the combinations, test a different template as well.

After "fixing the landing page", you have to go to the last element, which is the offer.

Pay attention to this, because most people focus first on the offer when getting started and label it as "non-converting" even when they have a non-optimized campaign driving not-properly-warmed traffic to the offer.

What I suggest you to do at this point is to start rotating offers. Even if your current offer is converting well, it's probably wise to test other offers, because you may find one that's even more profitable (who knows?!).

Go with offers that are similar and suit the angle so that you don't have to make major changes on the campaign (which at this point should be already performing well) to test them.

If you go through the entire process, test a few offers and don't get results, then it's probably to move on to the next campaign. Or maybe try a completely different angle.

Another good tip to improve the conversion rate and EPC is to make the color scheme of the landing page very similar to the color scheme of the offer's page. This way, when people go from the lander to the offer it will flow more "naturally", which is a positive thing, since they won't stop to think about what just happened (every time people stop to think about something it kind of breaks the flow and lowers your chances of getting the conversion).

This is the point where your campaign should become profitable or simply prove that it's not a winner. If you come to the conclusion that it won't be profitable, quit it and start the process again.

If it turns a positive ROI, then go to the next chapter.


Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 2/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 3/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 4/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 5/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 7/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 8/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 9/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 10/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 11/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 12/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 13/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 14/14 Facebook Case Study.

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Does name of the domain name have any impact? To save cost, I create sub domains for LPs. egs. .
Seems nobody is interested.

I have been receiving many emails and PMs about the case study, so I believe there are some folks interested. And hopefully some of them will be profiting by implementing this information soon.

Does name of the domain name have any impact? To save cost, I create sub domains for LPs. egs. .

It's not a major thing, but weird domain may scare people and make them consider the offer suspicious, so I recommend you to use domains that are relted to the niches that you're using.