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Other ways of generating revenue for your site


New Member
Quite a lot of webmasters depends on Adsense too much, there are actually and awful lot of other ways to generate income from your website apart from adsense. Lets put out experience together and come up with a list of alternative ways of generating revenue from website. I will start the list with two ...

* Affiliates (if you signup for affiliates of a product in the niche your website is in, you will make a decent income
* Direct text advert sale (selling advert from your site generated money)

I think there are also some smaller contextual ads company apart from Yahoo and Google, can someone give of a list?
Here's an idea using AdWords:

Bid on a subject alot of people search for, lets say dieting, create a landing page for your ad with a link at the top to your main site

On this landing page you do one of 2 things, place a few banner ads for affiliations you have with sites dealing with dieting or sell the space yourself

Depending on what keywords you bid on and the content of your landing page, it is possible to generate a half decent revenue. Not saying you can retire, but if you run enough of them...