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Nothing Wrong With Advertising


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On the subject of paid links and PR, I have found that some (many actually)
webmasters are arrogant. For them, it's all about their sites being so great
that they get one-way IBL (Incoming Back Links) automatically. If you ask for
a reciprocal link, their answer is just like they're saying, "I haven't found
a website worthy of my links yet, what makes your site so special?"

And the topic of paid links is "above" them...unless you are willing to pay
three figures per month that is. But the way I see it, the internet was - and
is still is - built by links. And paid or not, linking out should not be based
on whether Google will devalue your links, or based on arrogance - but should
be decided on by whether the sites are relevant to each other, and if so, can
you monetize that link for the benefit of yourself as well as the advertiser.

What do you all think?
I think in an ideal world, things should be ask you described, link based on how good he contents being linked to is and not avoiding linking for fear of Google but sadly, if you link to a site that is on the wrong site of Google, you will be dragged down to the dogs :( I am speaking from experience
Yes. Quality is always an important factor, and unfortunately, you don't always know
where the site you link to is linking to... My point is, however, the fact that we can and
should be able to link out to anywhere we desire w/o having to add non W3C markup to
satisfy Google. Not that we have to, but if you want good SERPs, then you have to.
I find that some marketers are arrogent. I usually get 2 or 3 paid link requests per week. Now, on principle I generally sell for around $30/month, which is quite a lot for my PR3 blog, but I feel that's what my blog deserves.

But anything that amuses, interests or informs me, I link to for free :)
Yes, arrogance is everywhere, and especially in "sales" :)

Rhyswynne, can I ask you, by linking out "for free" versus selling advertising on your PR3
blog, are you referring to blog posts, or would you also "for free" link out via your navigation
or blogroll sitewide?
Yes, arrogance is everywhere, and especially in "sales" :)

Rhyswynne, can I ask you, by linking out "for free" versus selling advertising on your PR3
blog, are you referring to blog posts, or would you also "for free" link out via your navigation
or blogroll sitewide?

I suppose blog posts mainly. I do link out to free for my top 10 commenters, largely because I find blogrolls tricky to manage. Most of my readers come from RSS though, so I think blogposts are worth more than blogrolls :)
Google does not mind you advertising text links if you do not pass PR (using "Nofollow" or javascript or....)

G is God! So it is one the Ten Commandments - No 1 Thou shalt use Googe Adsense.

Personally I am an agnostic.