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New to this forum, not to affiliate marketing :)


New Member
Hello fellow marketers,

Looking for some new resources and stumbled across this site. Hoping to see what folks are up to these days and share my knowledge. I've been a developer in the affiliate marketing space for over 15 years. When I started in this business, I felt like it was the wild, wild west. It was before the CAN-SPAM Act o_O and the company I worked for was generating over 10 million a month with technology I helped build! Even after the CAN-SPAM Act the company was so profitable it sold for 100 million. I was young an naive during those days and decided to take my knowledge elsewhere started my own affiliate network, which I later sold. Now, I just do what I like, which is development work for a small handful of marketers that can keep me busy, but not so busy I can enjoy life a little more.

I've built everything from full on affiliate network platforms like hasoffers/cake, to custom tracking systems/landing pages, all sorts of co-reg systems, business intelligence dashboards, email marketing platforms, scrapers/data aggregation, telephony/VOIP (twilio) integrations, and so many other custom solutions I can't even keep track anymore.

I'm curious if I'll run across people I already know on here from my time in the biz, but if you have questions... feel free to ask and we'll see if I can help :)

Looking forward to talking with you all!

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Too bad you didn't have vested stock options -- or did you?

Things are very different today indeed. I started in 2001.
I am interested in disruptive technologies and trying to work with Hyperledger.



If you want to sell scripts register as an official resource >>> there is a market here for this ;)
Thanks. I did have some stock, but not enough... lol

I'm sure others have the same sentiment, but I wish I would have jumped on the blockchain tech more aggressively a long time ago, in regards to actually learning more of the ins/outs of the tech. I played with BTC years ago and remember buying 12 months of hosting for 10 BTC thinking "this virtual currency is pretty cool" and then just went on to the next thing. Now, I am more intrigued with the idea distributed ledgers and the chaos it may cause around the world. You involved on any current projects or ICOs?

And I'll take a look at the resources page. thx.
This has little to do with and cryptocurrency used in other than a means of exchange in commerce. Hyperledger is about business transaction control and transparency for permissioned parties with interest. Hyperledger is a blockchain of peers to some transaction.

No ICO's are speculation but I am looking at the new SEC micro IPOs that are starting up now.

From what I have seen so far; Hyperledger, although backed by IBM and the LINUX Foundation, is still in an alpha incubation stage -- stable products are maybe a year off? IDK ...
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