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Ask Me Anything MythBusters: Ad Networks

Galaksion Ad Network

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Galaksion Advertising Network

You’re on Mythbusters!

Let us guess the most popular question about your work from your friends and family: do you get money just for surfing the Internet? Affiliate marketing is quite a young sphere. So there are still lots of stereotypes about it not only among people outside the digital world but also among advertisers.

Today we’re gonna debunk 5 popular myths about ad networks:

There’s no clean traffic in ad networks
This myth appeared because of the way many companies work. One ad network buys traffic from a website owner and sells it to another network. The second network sells it to the third one. Reselling doesn’t make sense if companies don’t add a fee. They can reach it by increasing prices and exaggerating traffic volumes: for example, with bots. This way, an advertiser gets an expensive, exclusive, full of bots traffic. But there are companies that don't match this myth. As an example, Galaksion. Our main value is direct traffic. It means that being an advertising network, we are at the very beginning of this chain. We buy traffic from its generators — website owners and sell it to advertisers. So we still have low prices and at the same time clean traffic.

You always face bans in affiliate marketing
It often happens on social media or in SEO. But this myth isn’t true about ad networks. It’s the safest option in affiliate marketing. On the platform, you see at the very beginning what is forbidden. For other things, you won’t get a ban. In ad networks, it’s a very rare case. This is the reason why you can create a long-term marketing strategy here and not be afraid of force majeure.

Personal managers work only for their benefit, so it’s better to do everything by yourself
That’s not true! You and your personal manager work in the team to accomplish one aim — get more profit. You need each other. A personal manager’s income depends on your earnings. And the key to your profit is the secret information from your manager about rates, the most converting verticals, and GEOs. Don’t hesitate to ask your manager any questions!

It’s expensive to start in affiliate marketing
There is one more advantage of ad networks over other traffic sources. It’s cheaper to launch the campaigns here. You can get a reward even with a minimum budget. Our advertisers proved it many times. To make sure, check out the case in the bio and use tips from there for a beneficial start.

You need technical skills
Of course, it doesn’t reflect reality. You don’t have to be an IT specialist to become an advertiser. Of course, you need some knowledge about verticals, GEOs, and ad formats. But the platform to launch your campaigns is super user-friendly and easy as pie. What is more, you always have support from your personal manager and our tech specialists. So you won’t meet any problems with technical tools.

What other myths have you heard about ad networks? Leave them in the comments, and we’ll test them in the next series

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