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My First Campaign Ever. With Bing Ads (CASE STUDY)


New Member
My first campaign ever was not sucess but I only ran it for a few days and spent 25$ dollars only, I need guidance, I need tips to learn from this case study please.
1/ Producht Offer From Clickbank : (Health Niche)

2/Landing Page
type: Presell landing page with no opt in (headline and a video with CTA Button with some testimonials and some benefits of the product):



3/The Campaign On Bing Ads
Budget : 15$/day
Bid startegy: Enhanced Cpc
Bid: 0.5 Dollars
United States
Targeted people +35 (high% who have backpain)
2 AD groups:
Ad group 01:
Keyword match type : Broad Modf


Ad Groupe 02:
1 keywords
Broad Modf

Ads :


Final Results :

Tracking Results:

I would love your thoughts on my first camapign and would love your guidance and what I did wrong and what I need to do right.
a full critic or analysis will be appreciated.
Honestly $25 spend is not enough to make an informed decision on a PPC campaign. Initially you are gathering data to see what works. I tend to use 10,000 impressions and/or 200-300 clicks to a landing page/offer before killing or keeping a campaign. Some people spend 3x or 10x the payout before making a kill or scale decision.

5% CTR on one of your ads is pretty good actually. I would kill anything that has a quality score of 5 and below. But again you don't have enough data yet to even think about optimization.

I am even surprised that you are getting away with such bold claims on your LP.
Back pain 'nutra'?
I have occasional back pain --moderate and has been severe in the past --so what I say is probably relevant:
Analgesics like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil may help or better some Soma (muscle relaxant Rx) or Vicoden (or Norco) --both Rx opiates (severe pain cases).
That nutra is worthless and a scam. Find a believable product or offer. I am not surprised it didn't convert. A back pain exercise e-book would make more money IMO. At least it might be believable.
Honestly $25 spend is not enough to make an informed decision on a PPC campaign. Initially you are gathering data to see what works. I tend to use 10,000 impressions and/or 200-300 clicks to a landing page/offer before killing or keeping a campaign. Some people spend 3x or 10x the payout before making a kill or scale decision.

5% CTR on one of your ads is pretty good actually. I would kill anything that has a quality score of 5 and below. But again you don't have enough data yet to even think about optimization.

I am even surprised that you are getting away with such bold claims on your LP.
so I should have ran it for more others days?
what do you think about using the broad modf keywords instead of broad? and were the keywords well targeting in your opinion?
so I should have ran it for more others days?
what do you think about using the broad modf keywords instead of broad? and were the keywords well targeting in your opinion?
I don't know your testing budget but if i was in your shoes i would run the campaign for at least 3 days to get a feel. For example, if you send 100 qualified clicks to your landing page and none makes it to the offer - it means your LP is not convincing. Equally if you send 100 clicks to the offer (e.g from your LP to the offer) and no one buys then the offer/product is not appealing.

There is right or wrong way of testing. You simply need a logical process and stick to it. Please ref to my first suggestions. As for keyword targeting broad modifier will bring you more click but exact match is more targeted/qualified.
Think it has a lot to do with work space
Hell no! I hurt my back when I was 25 --moving a barbell that was too heavy the wrong way --40 years ago. Working as a stone mason contractor 14 years didn't help much either :p. Now it's twisting the wrong way --doing something stupid usually.
Stretching exercises can help a lot, Wearing good shoes helps too. Get some exercise regularly. Easier said than done. Came in from cutting the lawn heartbeat got too high !110 the cuff said.