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My CPA Case Study!


Hello guys. i have been a member for a while but just returning, because Content Locking is the only thing i have had sucess with so far, so i thought i may as well scale it up, seeing as CPALEAD paid me once again and i feel safe pushing traffic to that network.

So, i do have a site, which is making me between $1-5 a day on complete autopilot (all SEO traffic) and i threw the site together in about half a day, which is pretty lazy. I figured i would SCALE up, as this is what all the "GURUS" say to do, and im going to do a complete over hall of my website and try to send my earnings to $20 a day minimum.

I plan to make some nice GFX for the site to begin, and maybe look at changing the theme to something better looking. Does anyone know of any decent themes for content locking websites?

I will be sharing my methods, but NOT my niche/s and will update earnings as i go along. If anyone has questions ask them in this thread and i will get back to you as best i can!

Wish me luck, and Merry Christmas!
What sort of things will you be locking?
Have you checked out WordPress and the content lock plugin?

Looking forward to this one!
Hey K. I'm in the gaming Niche, and content lock a variety of gaming stuff. I do use the content lock plugin at the moment, but will be scrapping it because it only allows you to insert one content locker for many pages. I need various content lockers on various pages as im customizing my background.
OK, just finished reworking my site, adding new GFX and adding some completely custom content locker designs! I also added two new categories for the site, which should hopefully start bringing in extra traffic, but im going to have to doing some marketing on youtube to bring in traffic before google sends me any.

Im hoping the changes in my site done effect my rankings and slow earnings, but if it doesnt, im hoping my new designs bring the conversion rate up further.

Will let you know how things turn out.
Another Quick Update. have created a video for one of my new niches and have uploaded the video to youtube, and it has 11 views so far. Thinking about buying a fiverr gig and getting it ranked.

my total since i have started this case study is now $23 which is definitely up since last month. For some reason, i have a 57 percent convwersion rate for the UK this month, but a 0 percent conversion rate in USA, which i think is down to me changing some offer settings.