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I've heard affiliates say they were good on another forum. But the other forum allows everyone to spam their links so it's always they're great, click here and join under me. :p Always hard to tell how genuine the info is when that happens. But for the most part I've heard good things.
Hmmm...looks intriguing, nice payouts. of course, the sale has to be made first, right? lol

I noticed you have to generate $100.00 in sales before they'll pay. I just my have to give this one a try, thanks for the heads-up!
I have heard of this program and have also heard good things about it.
many of their products are health products and gaming which are HUGE industries, but can be very competitive to get into.

If you do sign up, let us know how you are doing with it.
Hi All,
thanks for your positive replies, its nice to hear good news, I have signed up but still building the Website, also now starting a Blog, I am into Health Products as that is what my Business is at the moment, and has been for the last 10 Years so you can see why I chose Moreniche, also wanted to get into the Gaming Business so that was a Bonus. I am really new to all this and there is so much Info to take in, and this site is SO GOOD, and everyone so helpful, I love it. Thankyou.
Well, I signed up and worked hard over the weekend to promo a product that ties in with my sites.

What I like is that they give you a lot of articles to post, they have a great variety of banners to choose from among other options. They share ebooks and other marketing help information free. They even gave me a $10.00 bonus just for getting my links posted.

I love the stat tracking, although I'm just getting started there, but it's very well laid out and easy to navigate and understand.

So far so good, I guess...the only thing that sort of turned me off was, within an hour of signing on, I received an e-mail trying to sell me something for around $25.00, but that was the only one like that so far and it really wasn't all that bad. They have a job to do, too. Now if those would start coming in on a consistent basis I might gripe, but right now I wouldn't say I'm griping about it. ;) I like what I see and have to work with. Now the real test will come into play -- will their landing pages make me those sales! :D
UPDATE: I have sent 452 unique hits to their products WITHOUT ONE SALE. Highly suspect, IMHO of course. I am pulling their ads.
I have been with moreniche for about 2 months. I like the ease of the site and the resources they have. Interesting, I have about 350 uniques to my landing page, but no sales either. What's up with that?
I love MoreNiche. They give you tons of resources to use on your sites and they offer a lot of help. Articles to rewrite are given to you, guides on how SEO works, PPC, and website design are also given, and their team is very helpful. Their products are also great and work well.

The only thing I don't like is that half of their products are weight loss supplements and the other half are gambling memberships. Online gambling is very sketchy in the USA, and I believe there was some law passed recently banning it. Also, the weight loss industry is so filled with spam and junk that it makes it hard to convince customers to buy. The competition on Google for many weight loss keywords are also high.