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Partnership Looking for Quality Affiliate


New Member
Hey Everyone,

While I am a digital marketer during the day. During the night I would like to grow my digital savvy while risking my own money with affiliate based marketing. I'm looking to you guys to identify quality affiliate offers/programs that would result in solid ROI.

I'm also open to partnering with an experienced vet or a rookie, we can share strategy and maybe go 50/50 on campaigns. We can also help each other in testing models.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


KaleSalad (My favourite food)
Hello KaleSalad. Welcome to affiliatefix. You have made the right decision to join the forum and you will learn so many things from here. Along with that, you will find all the members and specially the admin very interactive and helpful. If you have any specific queries, don't hesitate to ask. You will always get your answer.

To get yourself started go through all the guides posted on this forum, all the case studies and all the journals and success stories. That will give you some kind of motivation how people have started from zero here and is still growing.

Check these forums:-
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

If you have any queries, don't forget to ask it here Newbie Helpdesk

Last but not the least don't for to check the DOJO, it has got some amazing stuffs. lots of tools, very through case studies, amazing guides and lot more which are not available in the normal forums. Its a very place to get started.

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
Great question, I'm leaning towards trending tech (iPhone 6, etc) and Health Foods... but I'm open to hearing from anyone in what niche is hot and shows opportunity.
Great question, I'm leaning towards trending tech (iPhone 6, etc) and Health Foods... but I'm open to hearing from anyone in what niche is hot and shows opportunity.

Any niche you are interested in and know about is opportunity because you can relate to your target audience.

I just recently got started on one site in the online business niche. The site offers products to the broader online business world, but the mainline product and advice is geared towards those just getting started.

I also just recently launched (and haven't worked on as heavily) a site in the natural/organics niche and seeking a partner for that site as I'm focusing more on the business site. If it's something you'd be interested in discussing, let me know and we can discuss the details of partnership.
Hello KaleSalad and welcome to the forums. What is your real name?
Health is a great niche to focus on, with the condition that you have some experience in it.
I have been working in the past months for a brain supplement company and I have seen the biggest success from this niche than any other niche I had tester previously.
Hi, KaleSalad! Nice to e-meet you! Welcome to Affiliatefix!
As it was said above, the choice of niche is very important.
You wrote that you are interested in solid ROI.
Personally my experience shows that the highest payouts is given by
adult offers! In case you are interested to work with good Network,
contact me! Our AM will help you :):):)
Welcome to the forum. There are plenty of methods about affiliate marketing is shared here. Like how to promote products from clickbank, writing blogs, launching products. It might sound complicated or difficult but its not. You should read this free book: Clickbank University. It talks about how to make money online and internet marketing!

Also you should add Ross Smith on Facebook: Ross Smith | Facebook He gives free mentoring to beginners. Just add him and send him a message. Good luck and make some money!!!!