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Looking for drop shipper


New Member
Hi Lorena

I am in the process of opening a storesonline shop and I am looking for a good wedding outfit drop shipper. Can any one help or recommend one.

Thanks for the tips myfreeforum and joesoap

That long random meta title on that last one cracked me up!
They should have a tag line that says:

What do Sunglasses, Wedding Gowns and Laminate Flooring all have in common???
You can find them all at Topper International Liquidators
Sorry I don't deal with or know much about drop shippers...
just couldn't resist throwing in that off topic comment! :p
sorry again --all I seem to do is apologize, Linda, I meant just to give a direct link the link was for a very good supplier who specializes in closeouts - ie, wedding gowns for $30! should be $200!

The mistake was mine - I will learn - I am a bit over eager to help- sorry thats me though!:eek:
Hey Bob,

Glad you joined us! Welcome to 5 Star.

(Hope you got my email. If you replied I didn't get it.
Did a server move yesterday and some email got lost in the shuffle.)
re: CathysConcepts...

They have a minimum. Some products you offer will have to say "Must purchase at least 3" (which looks silly on your website)

They also offer branded sites - you supply the logo and a link to your home page, they do the rest (which, if you're offering products from more then one merchant, also looks silly)
Hey Billy. Great to see your smiling face over here!
Thanks for weighing in!

joesoap - you said: "The mistake was mine - I will learn - I am a bit over eager to help."

No hon, you did nothing wrong and we're glad you shared that link.
It was the forum's fault! :p It auto inserts the title tag from any page you link to.

So I had no problems at all with you doing it - the diverse products in the title tag just cracked me up. :D
Petswarehouse - to be painfully honest, if I was selling off a website I'd rather just do the affiliate thing. No backorders, returns, etc. to deal with. I think drop shipping works better for selling off of EBay or maybe if you have a product site and just want to add some more products.

I think drop shipping is a good way to get started, and I did well for quite awhile on my own website and EBay. Most transactions go well, some customers will give you heartburn. Make sure a reliable and professional distributor has your back!

Plus with affiliate marketing you don't have to worry about sales tax, etc. That said ... I learned a lot doing drop shipping, and found some great suppliers. It was a good education...but now I mostly do affiliate marketing from my websites.

Billy ---
As for issues with the dropship supplier I mentioned, you could probably contact them to work something out if you really want to push them. I have found some distributors to be very flexible if you work with them.
Hey Billy you're out here? Have fun on the boat. If you were here and if I wasnt planning a big family re-union this week I'd give you a 5 Star buffet for sure. We don't have as many big casino buffets as you do but we have HomeTown buffet - not exactly 5 Star... :p
If you're looking for a wide range of quality drop shippers check out Worldwide Brands Onesource Tool. Comes at a cost but extremely valuable, especially for those of you who would like to move larger volumes through eBay etc.
Personally I've never had very good luck with dropshipping. The few times I've tried to use it on eBay either the price would change at the supplier by the time the auction closed or the item would be out of stock causing delayed shipments.

This has almost turned me against dropshipping and now I will only consider it from a well known national outlet.
I know I am bumping an old thread but does anybody know some good lists etc - to find a good supplier is the key - looks like there is only rehashed information floating around...
Mosts lists or even services are not worth the money or trouble. If youi find a list on Ebay for 3.99, it is likely to be outdated.

There are real distributors that will allow you to order as a drop shipper though.

In my opinion the only real service to help you find them is World Wide brands. They actually employ staff to find these distributors and keep up with them. Of course, while I find them affordable and worth the money, they are not cheap.
thanks for the reply - so you have a membership there?

I found that most membership sites I was with were not worth the money informationwise but maybe that here is the exception..

were you able to put the information presented there to good use??
I do not have a membership there now, but I did for about a year. I concentrate more on affiliate marketing, but used to do dropshipping.

Most membership sites for dropshipping are a total waste because they are middle man that claim to be suppliers.

World wide brands is not a distributor they maintain a list of suppliers, and they have a lot of training and educational resources too. I would say they were the exception, yes.