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Legal 420 in the USA

I still don't understand why they do that to adults, that things should not be legal.
a friend of mine told me that's legal in canada too, and people are making load shit of money promoting that.
a friend of mine told me that's legal in canada too

Medical marijuana has been legal for a while, not sure recreational use law has come into effect yet. If not, it's coming. Justin Trudeau has okay'd it, that's about all I know.
I registered :)
They are going to have marijuana general sale legalization on the ballot in my state

2. In furtherance of the intent of this act, the department may promulgate rules to:

(a) provide for the issuance of additional types or classes of state licenses to operate marihuana-related businesses, including licenses that authorize only limited cultivation, processing, transportation, delivery, storage, sale, or purchase of marihuana, licenses that authorize the consumption of marihuana within designated areas, licenses that authorize the consumption of marihuana at special events in limited areas and for a limited time, licenses that authorize cultivation for purposes of propagation, and licenses intended to facilitate scientific research or education; or <<<

The fools spelled it wrong :D

This will be big business here -- what will they do with the taxes collected?
*could be* would be a better term. I think the vast majority of sales will be main street retail -- same as beer and spirits. The problem is age verification for mail or ecommerce? Photoshop is every teen's friend ;)

I wonder what VISA/MC (others) policies will be? Pot will have legal drug status same as alcohol. However, VISA/MC is a US based and Marijuana is, for now, not legal -- making ecommerce transactions a potential issue.
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I wonder what VISA/MC (others) policies will be? Pot will have legal drug status same as alcohol. However, VISA/MC is a US based and Marijuana is, for now, not legal -- making ecommerce transactions a potential issue.

Hmm, cash sales only, perhaps.

How do Colorado merchants handle it?
I meant ecommerce sales not direct mail (postal) or bricks and mortar location sales. IDK if they take debit/credit cards in Colorado -- good question.

I think we may be talking about a $20 to as much as $70 billion dollar industry in a matter of 5 years

look at beer, wine and spirits (alcohol)
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You can buy it over the counter now in Canada like beer or wine
Bad news is: They are sold out -- too much demand

>>>According to recent estimates from Marijuana Business Daily, an industry publication, annual sales for Canada's recreational marijuana market could range between $2.3 billion and $4.5 billion by 2021. ...>>>
Canada could make billions from legal pot
Canada is about 1/9th the population of the USA -- that might be $35 Billion USD in the US
You can buy it over the counter now in Canada like beer or wine

Really? I hadn't given thought as to where consumers actually go to get it. I'm sure Toronto will have the lion's share of shops.

Wonder if it'll start showing up on Amazon. :D

Yes, the government will make a killing in tax from this law. They have an obscene profit margin for sinful pleasures - booze, cigarettes and now pot. They shouldn't need my tax money anymore. :D
Hey! I'm in Canada, we have dedicated stores, wait times can be long as you go into a waiting room and show your IDs then one at a time you get taken through this big metal security door in to the actual display room and get what you want
Hey! I'm in Canada, we have dedicated stores, wait times can be long as you go into a waiting room and show your IDs then one at a time you get taken through this big metal security door in to the actual display room and get what you want

Wow. Kinda like the jewellery stores on Yonge St. in T.O. I guess it could be a dangerous job to work there.

Maybe wait times will improve once more stores open up.