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Joomla Expert anywhere ?


New Member
Hi all as you may have seen in other posts im redesigning my Spurs site, after a little thought i am going to stick with joomla.

Ive ran into a problem though and was wondering if there was anyone that knew joomla well , ive asked in the joomla forums and no one has the time to have a look at :(

Anyway this is the problem ,as you may know joomla have a beta 1.5 (which is more like an alpha at the moment)

The standard template for this is really good and just what i need for my spurs page , however it doent work in joomla 1.0.12 (which is stable) here are the two so you can see whats wrong.

Joomla 1.5


Joomla 1.0.12


Any help would be great
lol yeah i get that quite alot lol

Any idea how much they would charge , i think its a simple problem but im too dim to find what it is ;)