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iPhone Mobile Marketing - Video Sharing with new KickApps Option

Linda Buquet

New Member
<strong>Video Sharing on the iPhone</strong>
<a target="_new" href=""><img src="" alt="share video baby iphone" alt="KW" align="left" hspace="10" /></a>

Currently, the Flash plug-in which most browsers use in order to play video on the web, is not included in the <strong>Apple iPhone's Safari browser.</strong>

Without the Flash plug-in the vast majority of the world's user generated videos are unsharable by and inaccessible to one of the most exciting tech products to hit the marketplace in a long time.

<strong><a target="_new" href="">KickApps</a> is 1st to market with an option that allows their affiliates and the audiences they serve the ability to share video through the iPhone.</strong>

Dr. Macenstein has the scoop...

<blockquote><strong><a target="_new" href="">KickApps First Social Media Platform to Support Web Video Sharing on iPhone</a></strong>
"The iPhone’s lack of support for the Flash player has pretty much meant that the large selection of social media sites (which are pretty much ALL Flash-based) were off limits to iPhone users. That travesty has apparently come to an end, as NY-based KickApps has announced that any video uploaded to KickApps’ powered social media sites will be encoded into both Flash and H.264, meaning you can now watch uploaded videos on the iPhone directly through its browser. When a user plays a video, KickApps instantly detects which format is required and delivers the video via a compatible video player; in the case of the iPhone, videos accessed through its Safari browser are displayed via QuickTime. An example of the technology is available at <a target="_new" href=""></a>."</blockquote>
The <a target="_new" href="">Official Press Release</a> offers a tip about how to optimize your videos for iPhone viewing.

"By optimizing their sites for the iPhone’s 3.5 inch widescreen display, publishers and developers can ensure the best possible viewing experience for iPhone users.
For example, rather than presenting video search results in a typical five across thumbnail layout, KickApps affiliates can use CSS styling to present the images in a scrollable, singular column. An example of the optimized layout can be seen by doing a search for ‘Mike’ on using the iPhone."