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I write very fast, what is the best way for me?


New Member
I am an experienced internet surfer. I've been around for ages. I know nothing about programming and such but I know a lot about sites, forums, communities and life on the internet. I have lots of ideas for original internet sites and hopefully with a help of some people I will eventually implement them. However, that may still be distant future and I recently found out about this idea of article marketing. The thing is I also type very fast (current record - 99 words per minute). So I got hold of this e-book "Bum marketing tactics" or something like that, which basically promised 150 dollars a day in a month. I read it and things became a little bit clearer to me but not much. I could write tons of articles if I really knew that it will be a sort of investment the e-book claims it to be, but I am not sure where to start. Where can I get a step-by-step guide on this bum marketing technique? I understand that I need to find a product to promote. So I registered at clickbank, but now I read that it is very hard environment for newbies, so what should I do now? I don't understand how exactly does the company knows that people have bought their product by being influenced by my article? And how does the company sends me money? I don't want to waste time and energy on setting up my own sites for this purpose as I read lots of you do (at least not yet), but I would like to use my speed-typing skills to earn good money. Also I would like to find out the simplest way to begin working on this.

Thank you in advance

If you know any other ways of earning money using this talent, please let me know.

About me: I am a 21 year old law student, and I believe e-commerce is the future and eventually I want to establish a business associated with it.
Thanks I read about it already, but I still can't quite figure out how the system works. There is so much of information, I just can't hold it all in my mind right now.

In summary, I need to know:
1) What sites should I register at - both for writing articles and finding what to write articles about (what products to promote)? What sites should I give out my real data to and what sites can I go under false names?
2) How will I get my money for promoting the product? (The process)
3) How do they know that the product was bought by the influence of my article?
4) What sites do I need to find what keywords should I use? I read something about keyword competition but didn't quite get what it is and how do you compete.
5) Bearing in mind my typing skills and assuming I do everything corretly, could this eventually (6 months) become a source of steady income (talking 1000-3000$ a month) and NOT take up my whole life? Meaning - would this business and time invested in it be effiecient?

Update: OK, so I registered at Paydotcom and also at paypal. But what should I do now? What is the process of finding the right product and promoting it?
Hi equilibrionist,

Welcome to 5 star. Congratulation on your speed typing talent and I will try to answer your queston as best as I can. :D

1) you can try register at:

Those are something I got to know online and I didn't use the service. So it is up to you to try it.

2) The simplest process I can tell you is that you can sign up as an affiliate, write an article related to the product, post your affiliate link in the resource box and submit your article to the article directories.

Bear in mind that a lot of article directories will reject your article because you are using an affiliate link. You can try to link to your blog (free to setup) and link to your merchant from there.

3) If the merchant track their traffic, they will know but they won't know someone bought their product because of your article unless they ask the customers (at least I think). But personally I don't think that is important to you because you should be worry that they know who they should pay to. :p

4) You can try these tools to look for your keywords:

Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool

Free Keyword Suggestion Tool From Wordtracker

Keyword competition is generally marketers competing on the keyword that most internet surfers are searching for. Try "affiliate marketing" on Google, the competiton is 12,900,000. You are competing 12,900,000 competitors and it is hard to win over them.

It is best that you target long tail keyword to start with. Pick a keyword from the tools and drill down from it. Let's take affiliate marketing as an example, the word tracker count for it is 320 but the "afifliate internet marketing" only have 8 searches and competition on Google is just 1,320,000. It is still a lot but is far less than 12,900,000.

I hope I don't confuse you about that. :p

5) I am afraid I have to be honest with you as your typing skill is different with article marketing because article marketing is about writing informational articles and have them in front of potential customers. You can only save time with your speed typing skills.

I am sorry to tell you that if you want to earn money from affiliate marketing, you do need to invest time, effort and money. You need to give the business a try because you can find more ways to save your time, money and effort.

You can earn a steady income in 6 months but that really need a lot of investment on your side especially from your motivation and effort.

The basics to finding the right product to promote is to look at your interest and skill. Maybe you can try to look for products about speed typing. If you can't find it on paydotcom, you can try Goole it by "your keyword + affiliate"

Hope that helps. :D
Bum Marketing Videos

Hi Equilibrionist;

Bum marketing is a really great way to earn and I find in most cases you really don't have to put out much cash at all when implementing the techniques and methods. sometimes you may have to purchase a piece of software but the software that you purchase generally far out weighs the guess work and, other wise, lost time that you would incur implementing the techniques without them. To cut to the chase I have left a link to some info from the horses mouth. The gentleman is the king authority on Bum Marketing. I think he brainstormed his own unique style and does really well with it. He has a bum marketing course at my sig site where I first learned about bum marketing and all that I know about new unique methods of internet marketing/affiliate marketing strategies and techniques. His name is Travis Sago and he is the mack daddy when it comes to bum marketing, hands down. He emails all of his subscribers 1 or 2 times every week to give you free tips and advice as well as videos on different ways to get the most out of your bum marketing efforts all free!

As per the comment above about ezine not taking affiliate links, although this is true, there are ways around that. Such as placing ads at and using those links at ezine They do accept the freeads links. Just write your ads and link them to your article bio box at ezine and the major search engines will still pick them up. The only catch is you'll need to search for keyword phrases that are being searched for everyday, it doesn't have to be many, just so that the search is an active one and is below 5,000 on google. Write your article using this phrase to which you have linked to to a relevant product. Use the link from freeads to the bio box at ezine articles. here is a video link from travis on how to do that as well as some other valuable information on bum marketing that you should be able to implement immediately:

Article Marketing

Well Good luck, this should help you quite a bit.
Donald Whitehead:)
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You sure do burn up the keyboard! :)

One question I have for you, is do you currently have your own blog site? With great typing ability, you could keep a blog updated with 2-3 articles a day with fresh content.

Maybe select a niche you are most familiar with, write some articles and place some affiliate links on your blog page?

Of course writing articles and product reviews could be great for you too.

I hope you do find success in whichever you choose!