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HTML Suggestions in Webmaster Tools


New Member
Last week I got an update from Webmaster Tools giving me about 30 or so HTML suggestions for Meta Tags, Titles, etc. I made the changes last week and today Google crawled my site, unfortunately the HTML suggestions are still visible. Does Google need to crawl the site a few more times before the changes are recognized?
Do you mean visible in Webmaster Tools? They seem to be very slow to update - you may be looking at several days or even weeks.

Or if you mean in the general search results, it will in most cases take a little while for the changes to be seen. What Google crawls isn't necessarily seen immediately.
I meant visible in the actual webmaster tools. I figured it would take awhile for them to update it, because several of old pages (from existing site) are coming up as errors. <--- How long does it take for "old data" to clear out of webmaster tools?
It depends how often you update your contents, the more you update the more it wll crawl you site and therefore will update the webmaster tools more?