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How to Track Zeropark + Bevo + Neverblue?

The title says it all..
Can you help me with this?

I am doing mobile in Zeropark, unfortunately, there is not much tracking tuts for bevo and zero.

Does anyone have experience or know how this things work? tokens? post back? that sort of things?

Thank a lot!
ZeroPark offers 3 tokens that can be included in the destination URL, enabling you to track your campaign performance in minute detail. These tokens are:

{keyword} – this parameter will pass the entire keyword string associated with the target, which delivered the visitor (for example, if you bid on the keyword “glasses” with a broad match and the exact keyword was “sunglasses”, the keyword token will pass “sunglasses”)

{match} – will pass the keyword exactly the same way in which it appears in the advertiser panel (for example, if you bid on the keyword “glasses” with a broad match and the exact keyword was “sunglasses”, the match token will pass “glasses”)

{target} – will pass the ID of the domain that delivered the visitor
Bevo is easy to use.

just place your zeor tokens on step 4 additional subids.

Neverblue postbacks are great. Here are their postback tokens to use on the postback link
My link will be like =********HG?adVar=SATH1&keyword={keyword}&match={match}&target={target}&cid={cid}&traffictype={traffic_type}

And postback url is like =****/rotator/*****?amount=1.30&subid=#s2#&subid2=#price#

Is this correct?
My link will be like =********HG?adVar=SATH1&keyword={keyword}&match={match}&target={target}&cid={cid}&traffictype={traffic_type}

And postback url is like =****/rotator/*****?amount=1.30&subid=#s2#&subid2=#price#

Is this correct?

Since you have already entered the amount of the offer, there is no need to pass the #price# token.


Also, while putting your affiliate link in Bevo make sure you use "s2" subid or else you will get an excess subid 1 error. In all Cake platforms, "s1" subid for passing the traffic source or campaign id.
If thats all in place, everything else seems correct.