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How to Start Blogging

King Conga

Active Member
Don't Laugh 2 Hard!

Pardon my ignorance, but while I?m quite familiar with, and love forums, I?m spanking brand new to blogging, let alone making money at it. I?ve read enough that I?m pretty sure I know what I want to blog about, and the format I want to present?I think. I don?t even mind if you snicker under your breath at my questions, as long as someone answers them with the memory of how anxious, apprehensive, and scared you were when you first started. I?m also aware that for many of these there may not be clear-cut answers. For those just give me your best analysis.

So, I?ll fire away. BTW, these aren?t in any particular priority.

1.) If my subject matter doesn?t have as fast a news cycle as the political blogs, how many topics should I have up my sleeve ahead of time in order to keep traffic coming to keep the advertisers happy? (I?ve read the 7 Steps to a Great Blog (or something like that))
2.) What?s the bare minim. I should post per day to keep traffic up? I heard about 5 or 6 per day!
3.) I haven?t seen any prices for using Google AdSense, and it appears that it?s free. Is that correct?
4.) Are there any other programs like that?
5.) I hear there?s a lot of busy work in order to make good $$$ at this. Can someone please explain what are the laborious tasks that require such tediousness? Remember, I know NOTHING about this, so DO NOT assume I do.
6.) RE: this busy ?admin.? work, what?s a percentage range of the creative writing to admin work ratio? In other words, do I do 60% to 40% writing to admin?
7.) RE: Question 5: What are the best FREE tools for what I have to do, and what do they do? BTW, I?m using Win2k?NOT XP.
8.) Someone PLEASE explain RSS. What does it do for me? How do I use/tweak it to make it work best for me? Which ones should I start with, and what?s the difference?
9.) What are the top 5 stats that you would advise me to heed the most?
10.) I would think that polls would be a great attraction for readers. Is this correct?
11.) Before I just jump in to starting a blog give me the 5 most important factors to consider keeping in
mind in order to peak interests?

That's it for now.

Hi KC,

Lots of good questions, but before I jump in lets clarify something.

It sounds like all your questions are about blogging - NOT affiliate marketing, correct? If you are unsure how they fit together - affiliate programs are one of many ways to monetize your blog - Adsense is another (yes it's free) and direct adverters are another.

It sounds like your questions are all about how to start and run a blog. If so, then I need to move this to the blogging forum so you will get more targeted answers and we can keep the discussion on track.

You need to get the blog going and generate traffic before you will be able to monetize it.

Confirm this is correct and I will move the thread and add a more descriptive subject so you can get more help and so this thread will be of help to others who have the same questions.

We have lots of blogging pros as well as affiliate pros, just want to be sure I put this in the right section.
You are indeed correct. Sorry, I was just so glad to find some folks that I felt comfortable confiding in. Thanks for your patience, and I'll be more careful next time.

No problem at all, just wanted to be sure I was on the right track.

Ok I moved and renamed the thread.
Now unfortunately I need to leave for awhile, so no time to reply right now.
I'll let some of our pros answer some of your questions.
1.) If my subject matter doesn?t have as fast a news cycle as the political blogs, how many topics should I have up my sleeve ahead of time in order to keep traffic coming to keep the advertisers happy? (I?ve read the 7 Steps to a Great Blog (or something like that)) - stick in your keyword and it will give you topics to begin with.

2.) What?s the bare minim. I should post per day to keep traffic up? I heard about 5 or 6 per day!
Post at least once a week for the search engines to keep your site in their radar.

3.) I haven?t seen any prices for using Google AdSense, and it appears that it?s free. Is that correct? Correct

4.) Are there any other programs like that? Not exactly like Google, but there are other contextual advertisers. I have some of their banners on my affiliate blog ... check it out.

5.) I hear there?s a lot of busy work in order to make good $$$ at this. Can someone please explain what are the laborious tasks that require such tediousness? Remember, I know NOTHING about this, so DO NOT assume I do.
This questions is too big to answer. So keep reading the newbie forum for more info or go to the affiliate guild and signup for free classes. (link below)

6.) RE: this busy ?admin.? work, what?s a percentage range of the creative writing to admin work ratio? In other words, do I do 60% to 40% writing to admin?
Don't quite understand the admin part, but I do 95% original writing for all that I do.

7.) RE: Question 5: What are the best FREE tools for what I have to do, and what do they do? BTW, I?m using Win2k?NOT XP.
Again, go to the Affiliate Guild and see tools listed in left navigation.

8.) Someone PLEASE explain RSS. What does it do for me? How do I use/tweak it to make it work best for me? Which ones should I start with, and what?s the difference?
Ignore RSS for now. It's too much for where you are in the learning cycle.

9.) What are the top 5 stats that you would advise me to heed the most?
No idea what you're asking here...guessing.
25 Affiliate Tips To Success - Good Advice for New Affiliates

10.) I would think that polls would be a great attraction for readers. Is this correct?
They're okay.

11.) Before I just jump in to starting a blog give me the 5 most important factors to consider keeping in mind in order to peak interests?
Use common sense ... what holds your interest?
You Are The Wo-man!

Thanks Bobbie,

That's GREAT! THANK YOU SOO much for going to the trouble to answer ALL those questions. I will get on top of those issues ASAP! I did create an account at your class site (LOOKS EXCITING!), and I just sent you an e-mail because eventhough I got the msg to log back in to vfy my activation, I didn't get the Enrollment Key in that e-mail. Anyhoo...
