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How to market effectively?


New Member

I have been reading all I can in the forum here and this information is priceless. I appreciate how everyone wants to help - so here's whats on my mind - I am new to affliate marketing, but really love the concept and want to pursue it -

I have a couple products I am promoting currently, but it seems I need to do ALOT more to actually make some money from them.

What I'd like to know is what all are you doing to market your products, ie website, articles, PPC?

I have just written a couple articles and posted them on my blog, but after reading here, I need to do more!

Any help would be wonderful!

Hey MS -

It's always a good idea to keep your traffic sources as varied as possible. Never become a slave to one traffic source... or you'll NEVER have a sustainable biz.

Personally, I get organic traffic, social traffic, and a bit of viral (ebook releases, etc.). Oh, and don't forget about offline sources. I made my first check "online" off of a classified ad I ran a couple of years back.
Hi mschristyb,

Actually, there are a lot of different ways to market your product online. But if you are looking for ways to earn money from marketing I will give you some basic tips which can help you.

Since you have mention that you have already a website and an articles I would suggest that you keep it up to date and spend more time driving traffic to it wit variety of ways bu use free ones instead of spending more money. And also don't forget to do some research on how to use opt in list because it is one of the turnkey to make money. first updated post(free tips or anything), traffic and opt in list. that's all you need to earn money as marketer...

hope that helps...

There are a variety of ways to drive traffic to your website, depending on your niche and what you're selling. Often in affiliate marketing, the product you're offering calls for a lot of supporting content- e.g., if you're selling vitamins, the specific health benefits of each and the types of ailments or health goals that might call for your products. If you can provide good, quality information and become a trusted online information source, you can convert readers to customers.
Yup, the best is to be as diverse as you can. You will find diamonds in the rough wherever you market. As Steve says though, it is very important to become a trusted online source of information. As with any business online or anywhere else, people will only ourchase from a trusted source. So in attempts to market your products, market your credibality as well.
I agree with the other posts. If you are writing articles ask yourself what benefits am I providing the reader. Don't just write articles for the sake of getting them done. Spend a little time and provide valuable information to the reader this will help the reader gain confidence in what you have to offer.
A lot of great advice on here. You are definitely on the right track. Writing posts is a great way to get started, a lot of writing actually. Make a goal for yourself to follow. Come up with a number of how many posts you want up every day or every week. That way you can really get a schedule going. Then you can really figure out time-wise what you can accomplish. Also while implementing the other tips you have decided to use. Best of luck, and I am sure you will learn everything you need on this forum. There are a lot of helpful people here to help.

I have been reading all I can in the forum here and this information is priceless. I appreciate how everyone wants to help - so here's whats on my mind - I am new to affliate marketing, but really love the concept and want to pursue it -

I have a couple products I am promoting currently, but it seems I need to do ALOT more to actually make some money from them.

What I'd like to know is what all are you doing to market your products, ie website, articles, PPC?

I have just written a couple articles and posted them on my blog, but after reading here, I need to do more!

Any help would be wonderful!


I use traffic exchanges and mailers to market my products. I find there are plenty of people who are surfing the traffic exchanges and looking for interesting products. I use the mailers for their mailing list so that I also have a variety of people I can mail to.
Never stick on one traffic source. That is something we should always consider.
When you have organic traffic set in place, step up and go for paid traffic as well. Pick a DSP or basically investing on programmatic media buyng. Its like having an army of sales person on different locations and time.
you get to pick where your ads to show and what type of ad that is. For products or for aff marketers, and e commerce websites. Pop traffic is the best way since it gains visibility and also gives them a direct link to your website or product.
I agree with the other posters. Use multiple strategies at once, and stick with what works in your niche.

But some of my favorite traffic sources are: Youtube marketing and guest posting. On the paid traffic sources, PPC (Bing, Google and FB Ads) are some good strategies to start with.