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How to Improve My Website Traffic


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i think social networking sites like facebook, myspace, etc. and also twitter can boost your site traffic... because, there of the huge number of members... :D
Hi, Webmaster

My Site is site PR is 6, Even Link popularity and Ranking also good in high Competitor Keywords.

I need increase my Website traffic so please give me your suggestions.

Perhaps, you have not chosen the right keywords that best described the theme of your site that's why even though you do rank for certain competitive keywords, still your site doesn't get organic traffic.

It's also possible that you are targeting less number of keywords. If do you think that you have competitive keywords that rank high in search results, then it's time to add and target more keywords. More keywords that rank high in serp will also give your site more referrals from search engines.
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Try this methods.

Go for social bookmarking, write article related to your site in hub pages and squidoo both are high driven sites.

If you would like quicker result or high amount of traffic you can do PPC though it requires some money expenditure, but it drives a nice amount of traffic to your site.
PPC can give you some quick traffic, but you really have to make sure you know what you're doing before jumping in as otherwise it can be expensive!
There many effective ways to increase traffic, some of them are:

Article submission to top article directories, Web directories submissions, Search engine submissions

Blog commenting on dofollow sites. (giving comments on dofollow blogs on similar topics on similar blogs/sites to yours)

Social bookmarking of your individual articles/posts (not just submitting is enough for that, need to make friends there and ask them to recommend the site for you)

Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, myspace. (Create your own network and recommend them your site. Also comments on others sites on the same network)

Forum Posting. (Register to similar forums to yours. Create some posts according to forum rules, and put your sites link in the signature box with the proper anchor text you want to target)

Create squidoo lens.

Submit your site to blogs and RSS directories.

Link exchange. (Reciprocal your site with similar niche sites) One way links are better to get high PR.

IMHO, using the off-page tactics cannot provide you the long term traffic, in order to get long term traffic optimize your site for Search engines by working more on on-page optimization.
^ does creating a lens drive traffic on the site?...
Yes, your right on On-page optimizing your site for much longer effect in SE's. with great contents and optimized pages you'll gain more traffic and might be good for your site's convertion...
^ does creating a lens drive traffic on the site?...
Yes, your right on On-page optimizing your site for much longer effect in SE's. with great contents and optimized pages you'll gain more traffic and might be good for your site's convertion...
Yes, squidoo lens are very much effective, and now it is a dofollow site. So, whatever lenses you will create will benefit you in backlinks to increase your PR.
To achieve more web traffic, create few web 2.0 pages and social Bookmark them. If you link your site to closely related website you will be promised with quality trafic.
Now you can target SMO along with SEO.Just be active on social media websites,video sharing websites,blogging,discussions,document sharing websites.All these technique can help you to generate more traffic.
Social media bookmarking and social media networking are the ultimate way of increasing traffic to a website. In this you need to share the website pages on these social media website to get traffic. Similarly every time you put new contents on your website then share that on the social media website to get good amount of visitors...
i think social networking sites like facebook, myspace, etc. and also twitter can boost your site traffic... because, there of the huge number of members... :D

Yes they can increase your traffic, but you must also do some social bookmarking or article submission, some of the best ways in traffic management. :) Social media optimization somehow needs a little time for you to acquire traffic from them. Friends, followers, everything.
True. Social Media I think will be reigning supreme this 2012. We can logically assume that it will impact SEO in a tremendous way.
Here are some of the ways to improve traffic:
Optimize your site for search engines.
Frequently update the contents of your site
Take advantage of social bookmarking sites.
Get links with other sites in your niche.
Use Relevant Image & File Titles
First of all post unique and attractive content, then social networking sites like facebook, twitter.. Social Bookmarking is also much important. In fact, you have to do much more to boost the traffic.
Social Bookmarking is the effective way to increase traffic in websites. It involves linking sites within the various forums, blogs and message boards on social networking websites, blog sites and content-centric sites like Digg. Considered a better alternative to submitting a website on blogs, manual social bookmarking is a simple, convenient and hassle-free way of making sure that your site is noticed and marketed in the right circle.
The off-page optimization techniques,pay per click advertising and social media optimization are the best ways for improving the traffic of your website.