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How to Dominate a Competitive Niche

Linda Buquet

New Member
I just discovered the DirectoryVault blog by SonicReducer, one of our 5 Star Forum members. Chad offers some good insight info about the frustration affiliates feel when tracking issues hit and how to save time setting up Adwords campaigns using the Google Offline Adwords Editor. Here is an excerpt from his most recent entry about how he dominated a competitive niche.
<blockquote>"For about the last 6 months I have been #1 in a very competitive niche at Azoogle. From what my AM tells me, I completely dominate this niche. So how did this happen? Very simple: hard work. You can?t just slap together a campaign in a few hours or days and expect to do really well. You may get lucky for a while, but eventually your earnings will dip. It?s difficult to keep a campaign profitable over the long term. Without giving away my offer, here is how I did it in general terms."</blockquote>
Continue reading "<strong><a target="_new" href="">How I came to dominate a competitive niche</a></strong>."

Hey Chad thanks for the great info!
thanks for sharing this one resource, I am also having problems with this stuff so thanks
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I have been a member of for a couple weeks now and that coupled with the advice given by Chad gives you an unfair advantage over most other competitors regardless of what market you want to pursue.
My personal strategy as once spoken by a marketer goes like this. Study and spy on what other marketer's are doing to rank so high and try doing what they do but only better and more appealing.

Brad Callen of SEO Elite also talks about this technique used to rank #1 in Goggle for organic traffic regardless of what your marketing.

Of course some markets will take a lot longer depending the competition (for example try beating Apple computers with you computer program or company instead).