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How big does an email list need to be?


Active Member
Hi guys, Russell Brunson once said that you only need an email list of 100 subscribers to start making money online. Out of 100, 2 subscribers will buy your product.

Do you agree with this observation?

I built an email list of 200 subscribers for a weight loss product using Facebook ads and I didn't get any sales. All my emails were written by a copywriter and the product I was plugging was a top rated one.

What do you guys think?

He is 100% accurate.
You could have a list of 10,000 subscribers and not make a cent.
Yet,a person with a list of 100 makes a lot of money.

How is that?,you may ask.

It’s all about regular communication and priming your list pump.

The person with the smaller list or the larger list, who contacts his list on a regular basis.

Not just trying to sell something,but offering helpful and meaningful information and tools,will always make bank.

So, you see, its all about the communication.

Either a stagnant, stinking pond, or a live and vibrant, flowing stream, filled with life and activity.
Email list should contain genuine users who are really interested to buy your products. Sending emails to random people will certainly not generate any sale. Ideal way of building such a list is create a subscribe form on your website or run a paid campaign for lead capture. Such people are REAL buyers.

Still there is a twist in the story. Sending one email does not work always. You should send at least 3 emails to them at definite intervals. This will remind them about how awesome your product/ services are. They may bookmark you for future if they are not willing to buy right away. But this 3 emails method works in most of the cases.

Lastly, never buy an email list from any source. People who sell the email list are often fake and spammy. You will loose your money and time with them.
Dont listen to this ,this peoole said this because they are experts and they are know what they are doing but for a newbie its hard .Ive had 500 email on my list and not make ny sales .Its not guaranteed as they are so many factors ,from where you get the emails ,the relationship with your list etc .I dont say that you cannot make money with email list but its not always like gurus say that you will make 1$ per month per each email ,its not that easy
Dont listen to this ,this peoole said this because they are experts and they are know what they are doing but for a newbie its hard .Ive had 500 email on my list and not make ny sales .Its not guaranteed as they are so many factors ,from where you get the emails ,the relationship with your list etc .I dont say that you cannot make money with email list but its not always like gurus say that you will make 1$ per month per each email ,its not that easy
Just curious, were you using a Soap Opera Sequence to build rapport with your list? I've read that can really help.
All my email subs are targeted
there needs to be an ongoing benefit to my affiliate campaigns
am not interested in random promotions
take my Ubersuggest sub
& the last 10 emails headlines
  1. AnswerThePublic is now a part of the Ubersuggest Family --> shows me new features (useful)
  2. Ubersuggest May in Review --> list of new features (useful)
  3. How to find your most profitable keywords with Ubersuggest --> helps me get higher ranking (useful)
  4. Improve your ad performance AND save money? --> helps me earn more commission (useful)
  5. More real customers for your PPC ads? --> dont do paid ads (not useful)
  6. Ubersuggest + Google = SEO superpowers --> helps me get more traffic (useful)
  7. Ubersuggest April in Review --> shows me new features (useful)
  8. Understanding your site's SEO health with Project Dashboards --> shows me new features (useful)
  9. Ubersuggest March in Review --> shows me new features (useful)
  10. Have you tested out the PLAYBOOK yet? --> shows me new features (useful)
so 9 out of 10 emails were useful
thats called value
remember that when you are sending emails
if theres no benefit theres no point
Just curious, were you using a Soap Opera Sequence to build rapport with your list? I've read that can really help.
it only works when you sign up for it
unsolicited soap opera sequences are not useful
& Ive previously unsubscribed because of them
Dont listen to this ,this peoole said this because they are experts and they are know what they are doing but for a newbie its hard .Ive had 500 email on my list and not make ny sales .Its not guaranteed as they are so many factors ,from where you get the emails ,the relationship with your list etc .I dont say that you cannot make money with email list but its not always like gurus say that you will make 1$ per month per each email ,its not that easy
best emails are offer emails
when you subscribe for the offers
1 click can be worth $20 if the basket is $200
just make sure they are good offers
50% discount is a good offer in my book
Hi guys, Russell Brunson once said that you only need an email list of 100 subscribers to start making money online. Out of 100, 2 subscribers will buy your product.
depends on the market & product
I built an email list of 200 subscribers for a weight loss product using Facebook ads and I didn't get any sales. All my emails were written by a copywriter and the product I was plugging was a top rated one.
did you compare your emails to your competitors @OscarMike?
by subscribing to competitors you can learn a great amount
Agree with that @Graybeard about LLN
this iss not about SEO traffic
--> but I need 100,000 visits before I can really judge SEO traffic
10,000 you can make some observations
1,000 is too small a pool
imagine its the same with email
@lesterw is also correct
a small 100 or 200 high quality list will likely perform better
than a larger 1,000 or 2,000 low quality list
always get subscribers of quality not only quantity
but both is the goal
I have worked op a push analysis routine (API) today but the sample is TOO DAMN SMALL; only 214 only 48hrs.
Then the actual sample is 600 - 1000 I will see.

Theory: Law of large numbers - Wikipedia

In theory there should be a 1% conversion rate on the clicks to the offer 214 --rather pathetic but CTR rates have declined recently from what I have seen this month --that is what it is.

Where are the 2.14 sales? lolz -- the sponsor is not counting in their stats about 36% of what I log that I send --JavaScript redirected, it is what it is.

Latest loss rate; that is 137 or 1.4 sales --but there are no sales!

  1. the missing clicks are the 1 or 2 sales (and I am getting chumped)
  2. the 36% missing were really cloaked bots that did not redirect
    the spot check sample I took of the IP Hosts was very clean and 99% looked like ISP residential traffic -wat?
So, I'll take the short count as my sample and when that gets to 600 or a bit more I will draw some conclusions --that is my point!


NULL is for the reason I am not running ads during those hours.
I have a question that's a bit off topic. How important is email marketing in the gambling niche? I asked this question on GPWA and the replies indicated that SEO is more important than email marketing for poker, casino, sports betting. If it was allowed, is building an gambling email list via Facebook worthwhile?

Hi guys, Russell Brunson once said that you only need an email list of 100 subscribers to start making money online. Out of 100, 2 subscribers will buy your product.

Do you agree with this observation?

I built an email list of 200 subscribers for a weight loss product using Facebook ads and I didn't get any sales. All my emails were written by a copywriter and the product I was plugging was a top rated one.

What do you guys think?

It all depends but it cannot be guaranteed . Even I had a list of 10 but got sales , but some time back i had a list of 1000 but couldn't get sales
If you have 600 referrals to a page from organic search engine traffic and no sales there is a problem.
Either your page's (or ad's or target's [read: offer's]) value proposition, design or content context suck or more than one do.

You will hit streaks of winning and losing days (or periods of time) but things average out.
Then there are events beyond your control --note the pixel loss in the query above --this applies to email open rates too ;) --so your open rate stats may be trashed.

Your GA [UA→GA4] stats are also trashed by a lesser amount


These are small tests, granted. But when I see such losses in pixels, cookies, and my own outbound traffic heading to a *black-hole* --I know I need a new approach or that targetted market is not good (right now or ever?)
How important is email marketing in the gambling niche?
IDK As I never operated nor managed a gambling website/API.

Generally speaking:
I know e-mail to be effective in retaining customers with special offer loyalty bonuses/coupons and the like.
For new customer acquisition: SEM, SEO is the best.