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Help us re-organise the forums


New Member
This forum categoies grew 'organically' Skinner and other recorn we can reorganise it and rename a few forums to reflect what the forum looks like today.

Your advice required, how would you arrange the forums, what forums will you merge, delete or rename?

Thanks for your contibution
Almost what you're asking Temi, but a bit off topic - does this forum software allow
TAGs? That we can tag certain posts and such?
Almost what you're asking Temi, but a bit off topic - does this forum software allow
TAGs? That we can tag certain posts and such?

Not at the moment, should be coming in the next months, as vB 3.7 supports this feature ;)

- Meti
Almost what you're asking Temi, but a bit off topic - does this forum software allow
TAGs? That we can tag certain posts and such?

We did use an addon that allows tags months back, it was not particularly useful, perhaps we will try it again when the version of vB Meti mentioned is out
Temi, I think it would be great if we could cut lots of forums down, merge them and make much less forums viewable on the forum home page, but having 3-4 subforums per category this would help a lot.

I think this also gives a better, clear image of how large this forum actually is, it has a good amount of threads/posts and a large userbase.

Thanks for your suggestion, I quite agree with you. I personally think the forum is way too long at the moment so cutting down by merging and removing some forum would be great.
What I am looking for help/suggestions with now is what should the tip forums be and what should be a top forum and the sub forums withing it, for example should it go something like this?