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Hello World

Prasanth G

New Member
This is Prasanth, a web developer and software engineer. New to affiliates and seeking any kind of help to kick start my journey in the affiliate marketing.

Thank you and love you all :)
Hello Prasanth nice to have a chat with you here. I hope you'll enjoy this community yourself. All the best!
Welcome to the forum, Prasanth!
I wish you luck in your journey!
Hi Prasanth G

Welcome to the AF community. You are definitely in the right place.
Don't be afraid to start a thread anytime you have questions or some good information to share.

Enjoy your stay here!
Hello Prasanth G. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum.

To get yourself started go through all the guides posted on this forum, all the case studies and all the journals and success stories. That will give you some kind of motivation how people have started from zero here and is still growing.

Check these forums:-
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

If you have any queries, don't forget to ask it here Newbie Helpdesk

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix: