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New Member
Hello everyone.
My name is Sorin and this is my firt post in this forum.
I will have some beginner questions,
Ok so let me tell you from the start.
I recently launched my first site,i have like a week,so now I don't have to much traffic,like 30-40 visitors per day,i tried to otimize the site along,because if I will not try by myself I would never now.
So my first question is:
Its better to wait for more traffic before i do make an affiliation?
Do you have any advice or tip for me to improve the traffic?

Thank you for your time.
Hello and welcome.

Sure it's fine to have a link in your sig. You already do. :) You can have up to 3 links. Read the rules at top of forum when in doubt about anything.

Below are some suggestions that will help you get started and learn about building traffic.

Be sure to check out all the stickies in the newbie forum as they are some of the best threads to read when you are getting started. They will help give you lots of ideas that have worked for other newbies and give you a better general understanding about how to get started.

Then the most important thing for starters is picking the right niche. The newbie stickies will explain that, then go to the niche marketing forum and you will find lots of tips and tools for finding your niche.

Ask specific questions after that and we will do our best to help.
I think i have a probleme,caz when i type my name domain on google search it will not apperar,yesturaday when i type mynamedomain without .com appear,today dosent.I change the preferred domain from to this is why it would not show me?
And somthing else,how to optimaze so that when i tape "finding the world" will appear on serach engine instead of "findingtheworld"?I change in all in one seo but i see no change and i have like 3 days since i change it.
Thank you and hope you get my point.

---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

and if i changet with webmaster tools i need to make 301 redirection ?
I'm having trouble understanding what you're asking; perhaps others are having the sme problem and that might be why you're not getting many responses.

One thing though: You have a new site and you made changes 3 days ago, as far as I can tell. That is a very short time for search engines. You have to be patient for changes to be reflected in search engine listings.
Yeah it takes awhile to get into the search engines it doesn't happen overnight. Did you submit your domain to the search engines yet? What I would do, sometimes your host will have a submit site to search engines, look for that and submit your url to it. Or you can submit it manually.

google : "submit site to google"
follow googles' instruction...

By the way you have a great url congrats on getting it!

Google: "submit site to Yahoo" do on ect....
I am wondering for beginners (like myself) is it better just to got with google adwords? Or is there are reason why people dont?
1. AdWords isn't "permanent" traffic. It stops when you stop paying for the advertising.

2. AdWords may not even be effective for you, depending on the niche and on the type of ad you use. People have become quite "ad blind" these days.

3. There are no SEO benefits derived from AdWords, so it doesn't in itself do anything to help improve your search engine rankins.
Hello,sorry for late reply.

So now when i write on Google appear like 300 result,when i write with www appear like 130 result.

On this domain wasn't a website before i buy it,and i use keyword on every post.And I think it's a problem if the result will repeat wright ?Because on my home page i have latest post,also they have category so Google will find them like duplicate right?and also they find duplicate article the non www with www ?

So because i have been on a little holiday i didn't post anything on my site so now i have like 2-3 visitors..tomorrow i will see what i will do to improve my traffic.And it's strange because when I start with this site I started on a free host...with the name so like in 3-4 days without index on Google or any kind of SEO optimaze i started to receive 20 comments on day,now with a real domain name, keywords, SEO and index i have 2-3 visitors on day.
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First, you can use redirects or the canonical tag to always force the www version - or even more easily you can do that from your Google Webmaster account.

Second, how long ago did you make the transition from the free hosting to your own domain and hosting? Is it possible that you simply haven't waited long enough for Google to spider your new site (because it WILL be seen as a new site)? It's also possible that you were benefiting previously from the ranking of (in effect, your previous site was a subdomain of that site).
First thanks for reply.
I canonical tag and also use the google master tools.But i have like one week since i made the change so i thing need to past more time right ?
When i try to make the redirection from the free domain to my new domain i broke something I change form wordpress setting the WordPress Address (URL) and nothing worked again,so i delet everything from the free domain,and when i start with the new domain i started from 0.
OK. Yes, if it's only been a week you are going to have to give it more time for search engine spiders to locate and crawl your site. You are effectively starting over, so it's being treated like a brand new site.