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Hi! I'm from Poland. I study biotechnology and as it goes about web design I'm complete amateur. I only know how to use MS FrontPage;) However I'm thinking of creating my own web site (or two...;)) ) That's why I hope I can learn something here. I've already looked at the html tutorial:) I'm intrested in flash as well.
If you're not planning on becoming a professional web-designer, I say don't bother learning Flash. But it's your decision, so...
Thanks for the advice FiveseveN! I'm planning to make friends with HTML first and then -if I need it- get to FLASH. I thought of it because sites in FLASH look really nice, often better than HTML ones. But I may be wrong...
Welcome to UK Webmaster World Piotrek, you are righ, the begining for you since you are a complete beginner is HTML, you can then learn flash if you are going to be a pro like FiveseveN adviced

Even if you arnt going to build a site in flash, I would still recommend learning it, there is so much you can do in it. I build games, along with my site in flash.

I feel very welcome here:) I started studying HTML. I'll have a look at FLASH when I reach appropriate level in HTML. Because I haven't got any books I'm looking for some tutorial on the web. If anyone have seen one -please let me know! Thank you in advance!