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Google hates paid links for PR


Well-Known Member
Google hate webmasters selling or buying links for PR but still allow people to advertise such services through their sites.

See image below: (Click to enlarge)


  • ad.JPG
    15.1 KB · Views: 23
This just goes to show the double standards they employ - it is all right when someone is using their advertising to promote paid links But when you do it - you get penalized!
Thanks for pointing it out GKD!
The webmaster selling the links will probably get penalised by Google at a later date but the funny thing is, the source from where visitors came from would be Googles ad network.
Can someone explain what is meant by 'double standards, what am I missing here?

is it because that image was an adswords advert? If yes, then like I said, report it and it will be pulled.

Google can't be blamed for a rogue advertiser
Why paid links..? because there are marketplace for webmaster. Why Google restricted us to paid links while Google cached our website for free.
Can someone explain what is meant by 'double standards, what am I missing here?

is it because that image was an adswords advert? If yes, then like I said, report it and it will be pulled.

Google can't be blamed for a rogue advertiser

Some say that Google is itself doing what it doesn`t want others to do.

If you buy a Google Mini from them, then you get to post your testimonial on that page which includes a solid PR 7 link pointing to your site without their forced tag “rel=nofollow”.

In other words, a backlink, which is paid for.
This just goes to show the double standards they employ - it is all right when someone is using their advertising to promote paid links But when you do it - you get penalized!
very good
As Google say about purchasing the links for Pr purpose is bad and allows for the advertisement purpose. But a point made by matt cutt regarding the paid links can be done in a following way you can have a look at it

this is an example how to get paid links. :)
This just goes to show the double standards they employ - it is all right when someone is using their advertising to promote paid links But when you do it - you get penalized!
very good

With respect it is NOT right when someone uses Google advertising, and if people reported it rather than just cbitch about it, it would not be hapenning. I am not having a go here, but people are trying to justify selling links based on PageRank. IT IS WRONG. it is against the terms and conditions of Google, it went to court and google won, so WHY are people complaining about getting PR zeroed for doing it?

hey you can sell drugs from the steps of a court or a police station, but it don't mean the police approve of it. And if you get caught, then live with the consequenses ;)
I think the problem is that Google are doing what they don`t like others doing. They DO have the option to `nofollow` the links of their advertisers who get a write-up on Google`s own site.

Some would argue it`s debatable whether Google are selling links as such, since they are not exactly doing it in a direct way. But, the fact is that a person uses their services by paying for them, and one of the `rewards` is a nice link back to their own sites. Just seems to me (and judging by a lot of comments in blogs I`ve seen by others too), that Google are selling links in an indirect way. So, how can they possibly be reported?
Links from Google don't carry any link juice!

How are you defining not carrying any `juice?`

Interesting blog at Linkworth which shows pretty convincingly that Google links do carry juice. Those links carry the same weight as any other backlinks.

Here`s part of the comment made about this subject.

As I’m reading the comments on sphinn today, I see where people are saying the backlinks are not showing up. I would suggest they are not looking very hard. I researched several when I was blogging a couple of weeks ago and found the google backlinks on several of the domains. This made me want to do even more research today and I happened across even more google links that are essentially links that were bought. Oddly enough, the nofollow tag is absent on all of these. Something Google is forcing everyone to do if it is paid for in some fashion.

Now the original link farm style page was a hit and miss for finding google on their backlinks. Lucky for me, I stumbled on a gold mine of hard evidence they are nothing but hypocrites over at Google. Let me introduce the enterprise superstars!

Google universal search Superstar Awards - Home

These people are Google customers who have paid for the Google Mini and because they paid, were recognized and highlighted. The first page is a list of the “Current Winners”. Each person from the respective company is highlighted and given a Pay for Post style write up on a Google blog. (example)

Now let us move on to the real gold, the success stories page. If there were doubts about passing juice before, this page should seal the deal with proof.

I did the daunting task of checking all 187 links on this page ( farm?) and the results paint the picture:

* 171 of the domains have appearing in their google backlinks.

* 10 of the domains do not have in their google backlinks.

* 5 of the domains have no cache and/or no website present.

* 1 of the domains has a typo and the link does not work.

In summary, if you want a good solid backlink or even a backlink and a blog review on the google blog, then pay for the google mini and become one of their superstars.
How do I get a Google mini to my web site?
Where is the signup link?
How much does it cost?
I know many are now asking those very questions.
How are you defining not carrying any `juice?`

Interesting blog at Linkworth which shows pretty convincingly that Google links do carry juice. Those links carry the same weight as any other backlinks.

Here`s part of the comment made about this subject.

I am repeating what I was told direct from the horses mouth by a Google engineer. No link benefit is allowed to pass from links on the google brand. Just cos they are showing up in backlinks etc doesn't mean they are passing link benefit.

Google block domains from passing link juice all the time, such as