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Google AdSense - when to use


New Member

In my research for marketing strategies, I came across a statement that Google will reject your site for adding Google AdSense if there are too many affiliate links and banners. It went on to recommend waiting till Google accepts your site before adding affiliate links.

Do any of the experts on this forum agree with this statement? What's your view on this?


itsalluphl, Google says this:
If your site participates in an affiliate program, make sure that your site adds value. Provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
The important part is Provide unique and relevant content. Google helps to explain that by saying:
Thin affiliate sites: These sites collect pay-per-click (PPC) revenue by sending visitors to the sites of affiliate programs, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. These sites usually have no original content and may be cookie-cutter sites or templates with no unique content.
Just because you are accepted into the AdSense program, that doesn't mean Google won't terminate you if you violate the rules after you have been accepted.

Here is a thread that might also be helpful http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5.../2547-how-avoid-being-kicked-out-adsense.html
I would HIGHLY recommend creating 30-50 pages of pure, solid content alone, before implementing Adsense (or any other monetization model for that matter)

The patience will pay off for you in the long run. ;)


When to use

Thanks Larwee and Oregon Guy - your information was really helpful.

By the way Oregon Guy I just started using SBI and I love it too!


Hey Luba. You may also want to ask yourself why do you want to add Adsense to your site? Is it to complement your content so that your readers may have alternative sources of information to click on? And do you really want your readers clicking away from your site because of Adsense? Don't forget, if you are promoting an affiliate merchant or two, Adsense could be more of a traffic leak than anything taking away from readers clicking on your merchant ads. I try to use Adsense sparingly and only if I am not promoting other affiliate programs. Hope this helps. Take care and all the best.