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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Getting started


New Member
Iwas wanting some insight from the experienced people out there on getting started with affiliate programs. I am currently in the process of making my site and I am unsure of how to do the advertising. Do you put a direct link on your site and then if a order is placed from there you receive your commission? Please reply.
Thanks to all. :confused:
Welcome to 5 Star, REDDRAGON.

Let me try to answer your question by making a few suggestions since you said you are just getting started.

As you probably know, you don't just make a site, get it online, place ads on it and watch the money roll in. There is a lot more to it. One important thing you are going to need in order to have any reasonable revenue is visitors to your site.

You said you are making your site. When you have it completed, post and ask for a site review. 5 Star members can then tell you if there are things you can do to make the site better.

After that you can get some ideas of some good ways to get traffic to your site. In addition to needing traffic to produce income, there are some networks that have certain traffic requirements.

You will also be able to get specific suggestion from 5 Star members on what advertising is likely to work best on your site.

While you do place ads on your site, that is only part of the story. Where you place the ads can enter into it. Just sticking banners up doesn't often work all that well. Text links generally bring better results than banner ads.

If you are just getting started and have questions, even if it is a lot of questions, please feel free to ask and our members can give you some very helpful information.