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E-Mail Submit Offers - All Scammy?


New Member
So, my business strategy so far has revolved around make solid information sites around real, physical products (and the occasional service). I have begun to have some success with this, but nothing wild. Doing some reading around, I've notived that a lot of people seem to have success with pay per lead free info submit offers. So, I began checking on one affiliate network I belong to, and scoping out these offers.

What I was immediately struck with is the somewhat scammy nature of these sorts of offers. The typical prototype seems to be this:
1. Offer the user a free, high end item
2. To actually get this item, the users must complete several surveys (i.e., grab their info to spam them later with), and complete a given numbers of offers (which appear to largely involve credit card offers, or subscriptions to services).
3. Sometimes, they must refer other users and get them to complete the same number of offers.

Now, I really dislike this sort of marketing. It preys on people's greed and shortsightedness to achieve its goals. As a results of this, I don't think I will be promoting these sorts of offers.

With that said, are there many info submit offers out there for good, quality products? I have no ethical issues with hooking up a customer with a quality business that will fufill their needs, but these types of offers seem very rare.