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Do you let moderators delete topics?


New Member
Out of experience I am never letting my forum moderators delete any topics or posts. I usually only grant them rights to ban users, move their topics and close topics.
Do you let moderator delete topics?
I do not allow moderators to delete topics. There's really no reason at all to delete topics or posts so I removed the option to delete. Moderators and admins always just move posts and topics to the trash instead of deleting. Much easier to know who said what this way, and it prevents abuse. :)
I'm with Hissae. I have a forum called The Trash Can, and when a thread that normally would be deleted is found, I have it moved to The Trash Can. This way, if a ban appeal comes up, I have record of all the posts that user made. :)
I let staff SOFT delete posts and topics, or move them to the trash forum. Even I don't have the ability to hard delete (though I could change it in the ACP, but that takes more effort). It's not necessarily because I don't trust staff, or myself, it's more for security purposes than anything else.
I let staff SOFT delete posts and topics, or move them to the trash forum. Even I don't have the ability to hard delete (though I could change it in the ACP, but that takes more effort). It's not necessarily because I don't trust staff, or myself, it's more for security purposes than anything else.
This is exactly what I do :D
I let staff delete posts but thanks to the amazing xenforo we can let them soft delete posts so I can review them myself.
I do. I didn't to begin with, though. I didn't trust them completely to not go rogue and mess everything up. Now I know all of my staff and am not concerned with it. The only time posts need to be deleted is for spam control now anyway. If I were to add someone new right now, I would probably only allow them moving/locking powers to begin with, though.
I used to, but now I don't. Since sometimes if they delete a large thread with posts, people's post count would go down and it would really mess up. Or if you have points system, they delete a thread with loads of posts, it will make users have negative points, so nope.
Probably not a best idea to let them do their own and have the delete permission. It might just be good if you can create a certain section where the moderators can move those threads in this section for moderation and that the admin will have to check it just in case there's a misunderstanding.
I'll preface this by saying I don't own a forum myself, but I do moderate one. As such, I may be a little biased when I say in general, it's OK to allow mods to delete topics. Only senior global moderators, though; I'm not all that trusting of local mods. I feel you have to trust them before giving them power like that.
I don't let moderators delete posts, I let them remove posts and I evaluate them myself later on. I do this just so that there is no drama of any kind, I am ultimately responsible for any deleting and I don't have to worry about a moderator going rogue on the forum.
Moderators on my forum are allowed to delete topics and posts from public view, but I get the final say whether or not I want the posts deleted.
I have 2 groups for Moderators. Super Moderators and Moderators. I don't let Moderators to delete posts, but I let Super Moderators. Although, I have said to them that they must not delete posts or topics. They must move them to the trash.
We allow it, but it not deleted completely, just from the public board. We can open it back up it we want to. (Admins can)