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Review Check our new Sweepstakes offers

Alex Jonas

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
Flax2 Media
Hello Publishers,
We have come up with good converting sweepstake's offers with best payout in industry. So if you are interested then contact us.

563 SuperSave Dove Soaps Full Form CPA 2 US
564 SuperSave Beauty Full Form CPA 2 US
565 Starbucks Questions - Networks CPA 1.3 US
566 MonthlySweeps - Smart Watch CPA 2 US
567 MonthlySweeps - RCA 4K HDTV CPA 2 US
568 iPhone 8 - Networks CPA 1.3 US
569 Call of Duty WWII - Networks CPA 1.3 US
570 Nintendo Switch - Networks CPA 1.3 US
571 Bath & Body Works V2 - Networks CPA 1.3 US
572 Listerine - Networks CPA 1.3 US
573 S&P - Walmart $1000 Generic CPA 2 US
574 S&P - Samsung Galaxy S9 CPA 2 US
575 S&P - iPhone X CPA 2 US
576 S&P - Amazon $1000 Spring Theme CPA 2 US
577 S&P - World Cup 2018 $1000 CPA 2 US
578 S&P - Walmart $1000 Spring Theme CPA 2 US

Mary Leight
skype- live:flax2.mary
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