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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

Can't wait to get started with affiliate marketing...


New Member
I will be brief....I currently have broken computer that needs an adapter replaced. So for the time being, I am using public computers in two different libraries that I walk to everyday.

I was so motivated by an online guru, I thought that I would like to startup and do affiliate marketing so I can too earn money, more of it in my lifetime. Yeah!

If I can do half as much as my guru friend, then I will have earned an extra $240,000 in the twelve years. Wish me luck there.

I have a little knowledge about SEO and Websites and that's why I've joined here, to learn as much as possible. And to become an expert myself at affiliate marketing so I can payback all the help I receive.

Corvette1 (my handle here)

(my dream car that I will buy from affiliate revenue, yeah!)
Hi Corvette1,

Welcome to 5 Star. Thanks for joining us.

We're happy to help you learn the ropes. May all your affiliate dreams come true
including that Corvette dream car! :p
Hi Corvette :)

Welcome to 5 star,

I like your commitment to getting started online esp as you don't even have a working computer at the moment - If you stay as dedicated I'm sure you will succeed!!!

All the best

Clint Barber