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Auto Insurance and Auto Loans


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Hi all,
I was advised to ask my question here,because I was told it's the biggest Affiliate Discussion Forum on the Net.I saw a lot of people found a solution with you guys and I hope i will be able to do so.First I'm opening site for auto loans and isnurance,and I would like to know more about affiliate networks that might help me.I found a couple of network(huh only 2 - GEICO and one for auto loans) and I decidedyou can help me guys.I'm searching for auto insurance affiliate and auto loans affiliate programms.Any questions recommendation and programs are welcomed :).


Hi Valentine,

Welcome to 5 Star. Thanks for the kind words!

Join Google Affiliate Network or Commission Junction and you'll find a ton of auto insurance and auto loan affiliate programs.

Hope this helps and best of luck!
Haha Fast answer guys.But my site is still not uploaded,so I can't join their programs.However,I'm connected to the exotics,sports,expensive cars.And I'm thinking of getting other method for filling online quotes.i have made simple Microsoft Word Document,with questions(ZIP,Car,Previous Accidents,Miles) and all questions answered to typical quotes.Then when they send it to us,it will be resended to all insurance companies.Do you think it will be faced with a smile,or they won't accept this method.Quotes will be forwarded only with SMS-verification?

Thanks to all of you :)

And one more question.Do insurance comapnies have something agains other companies quotes to be next to theirs on the page?Do you more about that?

Due to rampant fraud most lead based programs will only let your users use lead forms on the merchant site. Hardly any will let you lost your own lead forms.

Most don't require an exclusive and don't care if you have competing merchants. But always read each company's terms of service to be sure they don't have any special requirements.
And what about if they fill in a form in the site,and then I fill in the original quotes.But I'm afraid all quotes will come from one and the same IP,and that might be a problem...
I think you may have misunderstood the answer. The only way you can earn through an affiliate program like this is if the enduser fills out the required form ON THE MERCHANT'S SITE. Generally you have a link from your site, whether it is a text link or banner link, to the merchant's site. Your merchant ID is tracked by cookies and other various forms. NO MERCHANT will take a form/data you have created from your site. This is the only way it can be done. I believe most affiliates will sniff out what you are doing right away.

I have a question for you, autoinsurance. You state that you are specializing in "exotics,sports,expensive cars". Have you found a lender that specializes in this area yet? My site revolves around classic, muscle, hot rods, and collector cars but I have yet to find an affiliate lender. They all only deal with new cars only, less than 75,000 miles and/or newer than the 2000 model year. Any suggestions?
To answer your question about hosting your own submit form and then posting the data, some affiliate programs will do it if you guys will have an established relationship already and have a well known credible site, but usually the pay outs for hosting and posting are less than half of redirect and are not really worth it. You can just imbed an advertisers submit form on your site through an iframe and make it look like a part of you site even though the form is hosted somewhere else, that way you don’t have to worry about creating a submit form, and many companies that have these forms have performed many tests already so they know what converts best anyway. Also unless the advertiser has approved you for hosting & posting data that will come from the same IP will be under investigation and might be considered fraud.