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Anyone know anything about copywrighting?


New Member
I'm new to affiliate marketing or any serious marketing for that matter. I've been trying out some clickbank products for a few weeks but so far no luck. I've been reading that the best product to market is your own but I don't have one. However, a guy contacted me a few months ago wanting some web design work from me for his relaxation therapy cd that he's having professionally made. Like I said, I first talked to him a few maybe 4 months ago but have only been doing anything with affiliate marketing for 1 month so I'm not sure where to go now. I'd like to put up about 50 or so websites marketing his product for him as i've become fair at seo. I'm not sure if he should put it on clickbank? Anyway I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me and if anyone could recommend any resources on copywrighting or anything else I might need to know.
Thanks in advance.
mike is a great resource on copywriting, especially copywriting for product sales and even specifically writing copy for affiliate marketing.

You can also get some pretty low prices if you want to contract articles out. I know at least one member here who does copywriting that I think is probably very reasonable.

"Like I said, I first talked to him a few maybe 4 months ago but have only been doing anything with affiliate marketing for 1 month so I'm not sure where to go now. I'd like to put up about 50 or so websites marketing his product for him as i've become fair at seo. I'm not sure if he should put it on clickbank?"

Curious why you would want to put up 50 sites? Many pros I know say if you focused most of your energy on one site you can get further ahead. You may have a couple different niches and different niche sites, but not sure why you'd want to have that many for 1 product. Do you know his conversion rates? Before you do any work at all, but sure to find out how much traffic he gets and how much of it converts.

If you are saying YOU want to sell for him as an affiliate, but he does not have a program set up and I'm guessing possibly does not even know much about affiliate marketing? I would not touch it. I have years of experience as an affiliate manager and consultant giving people advice on how to set up programs. If I found a product, regardless how hot it was, if they didn't have an affiliate program set up already, no way would I approach them to set one up just for me.

Hard to explain why but I have many reasons for feeling this way. In short, it would be like trying to push a rope. :p
Thanks Linda for your quick reply.
You guessed right about his not having an affiliate program set up. This is is first run in any type of internet marketing and his product (relaxation cd) won't be 100% ready for probably 2 weeks. I think it may be best to direct him to clickbank or another. Thanks again.
Sounds like you need an overall Internet marketing strategy; from product to fulfillment. There are hundreds of different strategies and systems, but it is best to find one that is working for others. Search these and other forums for proven Internet marketing systems that have already be created. (Avoid searching Google because you will get a lot of fluff)
RE: Copy

Copy writing is basically just good, well-written content. Copyrights is the legal aspect of promoting a service.

If writing isn't your forte there are plenty of sources online that provide cheap content writing. Also, I'm sure the owner of the product has some material.

Keep in mind however, that lots of unique content for 50 different sites will get laborious or expensive if you outsource it.
Thanks for your replies. I did mean copyRighting. I guess I was being overly excited with the 50 websites. Of course that won't be necessary - maybe 4 or 5 in order to cover the serps fairly thoroughly. I'll look into the writing services available as I'll need different content for each and for me 4 or 5 different sites is a lot. thanks again everybody.