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Amount of Page Views to Income?


New Member
Hello i am new to this forum but i am very eager to learn and am very grateful for all the information so readily available on this site. I will usually have specific questions and use the search button as often as possible. What i want to know is what correlation is there on page views to income. I.e.
With the average CTR being (?) how many page views daily will it take to make ?10 a week?
For me i wont even get an ad click with 200 views of my blog
Thanks, TeDWooD.
It's a bit more complicated than that - there are so many factors:

  • your specific visitor demographics
  • the type of ad in relation to other features of the web page
  • the size and placement of the ad
  • matching of the content of the ad to interests of your visitors
  • etc.
If you're finding that your ads are generating little interest, experiment a bit with each of those factors, keeping records so you can tell when something works.
Hi Ted,

minstrel is right. There are other factors too and they each have variables.

1) Keywords that are driving your traffic or other marketing methods and how targeted the traffic is. For instance you may have traffic coming in that is more info seeking, rather than being in buy mode, based on the keywords you are targeting.

2) Niche - some niches are notoriously tough to monetize. Entertainment, celebrity, humor sites, to name a few. You'd get people wanting to be entertained and few would ever click an ad.

3) Conversion rate - if all the factors that minstrel and I mentioned above were aligned and in great shape - you could still have a merchant that just didn't convert very well.

So not trying to share just all the negatives but trying to show you how many variables there are the affect the equation. So I don't think it's possible to even take a guess at income/page view. So many things can affect each stage of the process.

The only common metrics people usually measure are CTR and conversions, so all the metrics are measured after you actually get the click.

I'm not sure what average CTR is, but average conversion rates are still around 2%. But that is just an average - conversions vary widely based on market and other factors.
Ah okay, so making then want to click is what will give you your average. So if the average CTR is 0.2% then i will need 50,000 page views in a week to make ?10. It's just i see some blogs (According to website outlook) on about 123 page views a day and making $1.37. In CTR terms that surely can't be possible!?
Is it just easier to promote a product rather than Google ads in the first place?
Thanks Linda. I guess experimenting is the best way to see what really works for me. Man didn't realise how much there is to learn on this. I best had read up.
The only common metrics people usually measure are CTR and conversions, so all the metrics are measured after you actually get the click.

I'm not sure what average CTR is, but average conversion rates are still around 2%. But that is just an average - conversions vary widely based on market and other factors.

Oh forgot to mention the other common metric. EPC. (Earnings per click) For instance CJ quotes EPC numbers so you can look at a merchant prior to joining the program and get a feeling for average earnings per click to see which merchant performs better.

In CJ though, what they measure is actually earnings per 100 clicks.
Would anyone recommend CJ over Click bank or again is that dependant on what sort of product or company you want to advertise?
It really depends on your niche and what you think would sell. I'm personally not a fan of ebooks or info products and favor tangible products for affiliates but it really depends on your and your niche.

Certain types of products would only be on CJ, since CB does not sell tangible products. And there could be niches I suppose where there is not a tangible product but there are info products. And some niches you may want to promote both types of products. For instance if you were in the dog training niche, you could promote ebooks and also physical products via a pet store through CJ.