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I have a company called Brazilian Basics and I want to setup an affiliate program. I am currently considering buying a program called "Ultimate Affiliate". Is this a good program or is there something better out there in the same price range. Also, i want to administer the program myself. Thanks in advance for any help on this topic.

Hi Brandon,

Welcome to 5 Star! I have heard good things about GroundBreak. Don't know anyone personally that has used it, but most feedback I have read is pretty good.

Please let us know what you end up going with and how you like it! Also feel free to come back and announce your program once it's ready to go.
Thanks Linda!

We are really excited about getting involved with affiliate marketing. I will definetly be back to take advantage of this forum and hopefully find some publishers.
Thanks again!
Remember that a lot of afifliates will not promote programs that aren't on a network. We know that the networks will pay (at least the ones we have experience with) - we know nothing about a new program.

If you want to take that track then you are going to need a very attractive program and to keep your nose very clean.

You are also going to need to put a lot of work into recruiting new affiliates (networks have mailing lists for this - you probably don't).

Just a few things to think about.